Whos Who L

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Name Description 1st App in Aquaman
Lady Luck The ship of Butch Marlin and his crew of crooked gamblers. Adventure #106 (1946)
Lansing The leader of a gang of pirates who needs a strong swimmer to bring up a chest of gems he stole. Adventure #185 (1953)
Lariar, Tom A phony photographer who has created a telepathic machine that can control fish, overriding even Aquaman's commands. Adventure #170 (1951)
Larue A prisoner on Convict Island who helps Yascom become king. More Fun #82 (1942)
Leach, Jack The crooked assistant to Professor Ness, who murders the scientist over the secret of Vitamin XZ. Adventure #124 (1948)
Lee Chang See Chang, Lee.
Leeds, Tommy A man who looks and sounds just like Aquaman, but he can't swim and is unable to impress his girlfriend, Ginny. Adventure #177 (1952)
Leef A prisoner on Convict Island who helps Yascom become king. More Fun #82 (1942)
Lefty A member of Lansing's gang. Told the Coast Guard about Lansing's plans. Adventure #185 (1953)
Legs One of Rocky Logan's thugs. More Fun #88 (1943)
Lewis, Dina A young woman who spent her savings to travel to Venice in a bid to find romance. Adventure #123 (1947)
Lieutenant Adams See Adams, Lieutenant
Lieutenant Deeter See Deeter, Jason.
Lieutenant Wagner See Wagner, Lieutenant.
Ligh, Ebenezer Captain Ebenezer Ligh likes to tell tall tales, but it backfires on him when he wants to join an exclusive club that requires proof of one of his feats. More Fun #106 (1945)
Lighthouse Island A meeting place of sea captains. Adventure #237 (1957)
Lisa Morel See Morel, Lisa.
Little Rocky One of two crooks who want to join forces, but gets sidetracked by an experiment in ultrasonic waves. More Fun #102 (1945)
Loana A citizen of Pearl Island, sweetheart of Keoki the Diver. She was kidnapped by Black Jack to force Keoki to dive for giant pearls, then freed by Aquaman. More Fun #75 (1942)
The Log Lydia Cook's sea newspaper. Correspondents are anyone who works around or in the ocean. Adventure #210 (1955)
Logan, Rocky A modern pirate, also a descendent of Blackbeard the pirate. His ship is the Tommy G, and he intends to take the treasure of Blackbeard from his cousin, John Wilson, when Wilson is close to finding it. More Fun #88 (1943)
Lopo An adventuresome little octopus who wanted to be the first fish to go into outer space. Adventure #248 (1958)
Lorry Rogan See Rogan, Lorry
Lost Canyons A deep sea canyon in which Black Jack sets a trap for Aquaman. Adventure #125 (1948)
Louie One of Black Jack's thugs. Bears a passing resemblance to Aquaman. Adventure #127 (1948)
Louie the Lungfish An act in Aquaman's sea circus, the lungfish climbs trees. Adventure #128 (1948)
Lowery, Billy The loud-mouthed son of Captain Lowery to whom Aquaman gives a tour of his underwater bank. Adventure #180 (1952)
Lowery, Captain A freighter captain who deposits money in Aquaman's base in order to protect it from pirate Willie Desmond. Adventure #180 (1952)
Lucky Larue A racket boss attempting to sneak out of the country, but is unfortunate enough to run into Aquaman's sea monster. Adventure #193 (1953)
Luke Leader of a gang of thieves out stealing boats. Adventure #191 (1953)
Luke Brady See Brady, Luke.
Luna Vaya An island that has rich pearl beds in its waters, called "Pearl Valley". Adventure #116 (1947)
Lundgren, Joseph A big game hunter bored with the same old thrills, who decides to hunt undersea creatures and (lucky for him) bring them back alive. Adventure #190 (1953)
Lundigan, General An American general with the worst luck... his plane has engine troubles, the destroyer he's on is sunk, and he's trapped in occupied Italy until Aquaman comes along. Lundigan must get to London, as he's a vital part of planning the invasion of Italy. More Fun #94 (1943)
Lunky One of Duke Flarer's thugs. More Fun #99 (1944)
Lun Ming An Olympic swimmer who fights the Japanese invaders by swimming a 20 mile channel to deliver messages to the resistance. More Fun #96 (1944)
Lydia Luke Brady's boat. Adventure #173 (1952)
Lydia Cook See Cook, Lydia.