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This is a chronological listing of all of Aquaman's solo adventures.
Golden Age
- More Fun Comics 73 (Nov-41) - The Submarine Strikes
- More Fun Comics 74 (Dec-41) - Black Jack
- More Fun Comics 75 (Jan-42) - The Return of Black Jack
- More Fun Comics 76 (Feb-42) - Mystery of the Sinking Ship
- More Fun Comics 77 (Mar-42) - Freedom of the Seas
- More Fun Comics 78 (Apr-42) - The Sargasso Sea
- More Fun Comics 79 (May-42) - Aquaman Strikes
- World's Finest 6 (Sum-42) - The Zoo of the Deep
- More Fun Comics 80 (Jun-42) - Scourge of the Seven Seas
- More Fun Comics 81 (Jul-42) - Champ of the Waves
- More Fun Comics 82 (Aug-42) - King of the Convict Island
- More Fun Comics 83 (Sep-42) - Thomas Jeffersons Treasure
- More Fun Comics 84 (Oct-42) - Raid on Atlantis
- More Fun Comics 85 (Nov-42) - The Unhappy Hunting Grounds
- More Fun Comics 86 (Dec-42) - Race Around The World
- More Fun Comics 87 (Jan-43) - Ark of the Ancients
- More Fun Comics 88 (Feb-43) - The Man Who Chased the Rainbow
- More Fun Comics 89 (Mar-43) - The Streamlined Buccaneers
- More Fun Comics 90 (Apr-43) - Somewhere in the Pacific
- More Fun Comics 91 (May-43) - Marauders of the Mississippi
- More Fun Comics 92 (Jul-43) - Saga of the Seven Sisters
- More Fun Comics 93 (Sep-43) - Convoy to Murmansk
- More Fun Comics 94 (Nov-43) - Battle of Italy
- More Fun Comics 95 (Jan-44) - Guerillas of Fen-Shu
- More Fun Comics 96 (Mar-44) - Champion in War
- More Fun Comics 97 (May-44) - Penguin Island
- More Fun Comics 98 (Jul-44) - Treasure of the Deep
- More Fun Comics 99 (Sep-44) - The Smoking Volcano
- More Fun Comics 100 (Nov-44) - The Captain of Cactus Gulch
- More Fun Comics 101 (Jan-45) - Orphans of the Sea
- More Fun Comics 102 (Mar-45) - Silent Sounds
- More Fun Comics 103 (May-45) - The Professor Goes to School
- More Fun Comics 104 (Jul-45) - The Great Goldfish Bowl
- More Fun Comics 105 (Sep-45) - Be-Kind-to-Whales Week
- More Fun Comics 106 (Nov-45) - The Liar Who Told The Truth
- More Fun Comics 107 (Jan-46) - Blackie, Come Home
- Adventure Comics 103 (Apr-46) - Footsteps in the Ocean
- Adventure Comics 104 (May-46) - Four Fish to Fetch
- Adventure Comics 105 (Jun-46) - The Impossible Voyage
- Adventure Comics 106 (Jul-46) - The Ghost Ship
- Adventure Comics 107 (Aug-46) - Ware Water
- Adventure Comics 108 (Sep-46) - The Stolen Light
- Adventure Comics 109 (Oct-46) - The Waters of the World
- Adventure Comics 110 (Nov-46) - The Monster and the Mermaid
- Adventure Comics 111 (Dec-46) - The Man Who Robbed Davy Jones' Locker
- Adventure Comics 112 (Jan-47) - The Television Thieves
- Adventure Comics 113 (Feb-47) - Fathoms in Film
- Adventure Comics 114 (Mar-47) - Skyscraper Aquarium
- Adventure Comics 115 (Apr-47) - The Phantom Fleet
- Adventure Comics 116 (May-47) - Peril of Pearl Valley
- Adventure Comics 117 (Jun-47) - The Flying Dutchman
- Adventure Comics 119 (Aug-47) - The Floating Observatory
- Adventure Comics 120 (Sep-47) - Aquaman goes to College
- Adventure Comics 121 (Oct-47) - Shades of John Paul Jones
- Adventure Comics 122 (Nov-47) - Operation Justice
- Adventure Comics 123 (Dec-47) - Villainy in Venice
- Adventure Comics 124 (Jan-48) - The Sea Serpent
- Adventure Comics 125 (Feb-48) - D-Day in Davy Jones Locker
- Adventure Comics 126 (Mar-48) - The Man in the Iron Shoe
- Adventure Comics 127 (Apr-48) - A Fish Out of Water
- Adventure Comics 128 (May-48) - The Sea Circus
- Adventure Comics 129 (Jun-48) - The Treasure Beneath the Lake
- Adventure Comics 130 (Jul-48) - The Sweetheart of the Seven Seas
- Adventure Comics 131 (Aug-48) - The Undersea Post Office
- Adventure Comics 132 (Sep-48) - The Aquagirl
- Adventure Comics 133 (Oct-48) - The Great White Whale
- Adventure Comics 134 (Nov-48) - Exiled From the Sea
- Adventure Comics 135 (Dec-48) - The Ship that Dared Not Land
- Adventure Comics 136 (Jan-49) - Water Boy
- Adventure Comics 137 (Feb-49) - The Undersea Lost World
- Adventure Comics 138 (Mar-49) - Marooned in the Deep
- Adventure Comics 139 (Apr-49) - The Man Who Owned the Sea
- Adventure Comics 140 (May-49) - The Sleuth of the Sea
- Adventure Comics 141 (Jun-49) - Return of the Sea Sleuth
- Adventure Comics 142 (Jul-49) - Undersea Big Game Hunt
- Adventure Comics 143 (Aug-49) - The Second Robinson Crusoe
- Adventure Comics 144 (Sep-49) - A Martian Adventure
- Adventure Comics 145 (Oct-49) - The Sea Hitch-Hiker
- Adventure Comics 146 (Nov-49) - Aquaman Loses His Powers
- Adventure Comics 147 (Dec-49) - The Man Who Was Rescued 100 Times
- Adventure Comics 148 (Jan-50) - Cowboy of the Coral Seas
- Adventure Comics 149 (Feb-50) - Undersea Artist
- Adventure Comics 150 (Mar-50) - The Boy Who Went to Sea
- Adventure Comics 151 (Apr-50) - The Biography of Black Jack
- Adventure Comics 152 (May-50) - Don't Go Near the Water
- Adventure Comics 154 (Jul-50) - Aquaman's Sea Circus
- Adventure Comics 156 (Sep-50) - Aquaman vs. The Sea
- Adventure Comics 158 (Nov-50) - Portrait in Peril
- Adventure Comics 160 (Jan-51) - Aquaman's Sea Cops
- Adventure Comics 162 (Mar-51) - Under the Sea for Life
- Adventure Comics 164 (May-51) - The Strangest Questions in the World
- Adventure Comics 167 (Aug-51) - Treasures of the Sea
- Adventure Comics 168 (Sep-51) - Aquaman: One Man Crew
- Adventure Comics 170 (Nov-51) - Mutiny Under the Sea
- Adventure Comics 171 (Dec-51) - Mystery of the Disappearing Mermaids
- Adventure Comics 172 (Jan-52) - Aquaman Leaves the Sea
- Adventure Comics 173 (Feb-52) - The First Underwater Gold Mine
- Adventure Comics 174 (Mar-52) - The Whale that was Wanted for Murder
- Adventure Comics 175 (Apr-52) - Mystery of the Disappearing Island
- Adventure Comics 176 (May-52) - The Ex-King of the Sea
- Adventure Comics 177 (Jun-52) - The Man Who was Aquaman's Double
- Adventure Comics 178 (Jul-52) - The Return of Captain Flint
- Adventure Comics 179 (Aug-52) - The Raft of Doom
- Adventure Comics 180 (Sep-52) - The Bank Beneath The Sea
- Adventure Comics 181 (Oct-52) - The Evil King of the Sea
- Adventure Comics 182 (Nov-52) - The Ocean Restaurant
- Adventure Comics 183 (Dec-52) - The First Undersea Jail
- Adventure Comics 184 (Jan-53) - At Sea in the Stone Age
- Adventure Comics 185 (Feb-53) - The Five Lives of the Sea King
- Adventure Comics 186 (Mar-53) - The Dive-In Theater
- Adventure Comics 187 (Apr-53) - The Queen of the Sea
- Adventure Comics 188 (May-53) - Calling Dr. Aquaman
- Adventure Comics 189 (Jun-53) - The Nautical Treasure Hunt
- Adventure Comics 190 (Jul-53) - The Hunter of the Seven Seas
- Adventure Comics 191 (Aug-53) - The Aqua-Cop of the Sea
- Adventure Comics 192 (Sep-53) - Murder in the Fish Preserve
- Adventure Comics 193 (Oct-53) - Secret of the Sea Monster
- Adventure Comics 194 (Nov-53) - The Outlaw Navy
- Adventure Comics 195 (Dec-53) - The River Gang
- Adventure Comics 196 (Jan-54) - The Topsy-Turvy World
- Adventure Comics 197 (Feb-54) - Aquaman Walks the Plank
- Adventure Comics 198 (Mar-54) - The Daredevil of the Seven Seas
- Adventure Comics 199 (Apr-54) - The Fire-Fighter of the Seven Seas
- Adventure Comics 200 (May-54) - Aquaman, Microbe Hunter
- Adventure Comics 201 (Jun-54) - The Stars Who Couldn't Swim
- Adventure Comics 202 (Jul-54) - The Menace of the Freak Fish
- Adventure Comics 203 (Aug-54) - The Shark with the Human Brain
- Adventure Comics 204 (Sep-54) - The Lagoon of Doom
- Adventure Comics 205 (Oct-54) - The Emperor of the Sea
- Adventure Comics 206 (Nov-54) - The Haunted Island
- Adventure Comics 208 (Jan-55) - The Mystery of the Aqua-Dolls
- Adventure Comics 209 (Feb-55) - The Island that Vanished
- Adventure Comics 210 (Mar-55) - The First Undersea Newspaper
- Adventure Comics 211 (Apr-55) - The Mystery of the Seven Sea Statues
- Adventure Comics 212 (May-55) - The Giant Tropical Fish
- Adventure Comics 213 (Jun-55) - The Court-Martial of Moby Dick II
- Adventure Comics 214 (Jul-55) - Station Neptune
- Adventure Comics 215 (Aug-55) - The Aqua-Mailman
- Adventure Comics 216 (Sep-55) - The Invasion of the Sea-Men
- Adventure Comics 217 (Oct-55) - The Day Aquaman Couldn't See
- Adventure Comics 218 (Nov-55) - Aquaman, Outlaw of the Sea
- Adventure Comics 219 (Dec-55) - The Greatest Show On Water
- Adventure Comics 220 (Jan-56) - The Coward and the Hero
- Adventure Comics 221 (Feb-56) - The Boy Who Refused To Swim
- Adventure Comics 222 (Mar-56) - A Rival for Aquaman
- Adventure Comics 223 (Apr-56) - The Sunken City of Gold
- Adventure Comics 224 (May-56) - The Seventh Wonder of the Sea
- Adventure Comics 225 (Jun-56) - The Undersea School
- Adventure Comics 226 (Jul-56) - The Showoff of the Seven Seas
- Adventure Comics 227 (Aug-56) - A Day in the Life of Aquaman
- Adventure Comics 228 (Sep-56) - The Floating Hall of Fame
Silver Age
- Adventure Comics 229 (Oct-56) - Aquaman's Undersea Partner
- Adventure Comics 230 (Nov-56) - The Tom Thumb Aquaman
- Adventure Comics 231 (Dec-56) - Three Fates For Aquaman
- Adventure Comics 232 (Jan-57) - Aquaman Joins the Navy
- Adventure Comics 233 (Feb-57) - The Sea Clown
- Adventure Comics 234 (Mar-57) - The Super-Aquarium
- Adventure Comics 235 (Apr-57) - The Show-Off of the Sea
- Adventure Comics 236 (May-57) - The Iceberg of Doom
- Adventure Comics 237 (Jun-57) - The Secret of the Sea King
- Adventure Comics 238 (Jul-57) - The Floating Doom
- Adventure Comics 239 (Aug-57) - The Voyage of the Goodship Aquaman
- Adventure Comics 240 (Sep-57) - The Alphabet Book of the Sea
- Adventure Comics 241 (Oct-57) - The Mutiny Against Aquaman
- Adventure Comics 242 (Nov-57) - The Amazing Feats of Aqua-Melvin
- Adventure Comics 243 (Dec-57) - Aquaman's Amazing Bets
- Adventure Comics 244 (Jan-58) - The Copy Cat Creature
- Adventure Comics 245 (Feb-58) - The Sorceror of the Sea
- Adventure Comics 246 (Mar-58) - The Town That Went Underwater
- Adventure Comics 247 (Apr-58) - Aquaman's Super-Sea Squad
- Adventure Comics 248 (May-58) - The Traitor of the Seven Seas
- Adventure Comics 249 (Jun-58) - Wanted: Aqua-Crook
- Adventure Comics 250 (Jul-58) - The Guinea Pig of the Sea
- Adventure Comics 251 (Aug-58) - A World Without Water
- Adventure Comics 252 (Sep-58) - The Robinson Crusoe of the Sea
- Adventure Comics 253 (Oct-58) - The Ocean of 1,000,000 B.C.
- Adventure Comics 254 (Nov-58) - The Menace of the Electric Man
- Adventure Comics 255 (Dec-58) - Aquaman's Double Trouble
- Adventure Comics 256 (Jan-59) - The Ordeal of Aquaman
- Adventure Comics 257 (Feb-59) - The Imitation Aquaman
- Adventure Comics 258 (Mar-59) - The Incredible Fish of Doctor Danton
- Adventure Comics 259 (Apr-59) - The Octopus Man
- Adventure Comics 260 (May-59) - How Aquaman Got His Powers
- Adventure Comics 261 (Jun-59) - Aquaman Duels the Animal-Master
- Adventure Comics 262 (Jul-59) - The Undersea Hospital
- Adventure Comics 263 (Aug-59) - The Great Ocean Election
- Adventure Comics 264 (Sep-59) - Aquaman and His Sea-Police
- Adventure Comics 265 (Oct-59) - The Secret of the Super-Safe
- Adventure Comics 266 (Nov-59) - Aquaman Meets Aquagirl
- Adventure Comics 267 (Dec-59) - Manhunt on Land
- Adventure Comics 268 (Jan-60) - The Adventures of Aquaboy
- Adventure Comics 269 (Feb-60) - The Kid From Atlantis
- Adventure Comics 270 (Mar-60) - The Menace of Aqualad
- Adventure Comics 271 (Apr-60) - The Second Deluge
- Adventure Comics 272 (May-60) - The Human Flying Fish
- Adventure Comics 273 (Jun-60) - Around the World in 80 Hours
- Adventure Comics 274 (Jul-60) - Aqua-Queen
- Adventure Comics 275 (Aug-60) - The Interplanetary Mission
- Adventure Comics 276 (Sep-60) - The Aqua-Thief of the Seven Seas
- Adventure Comics 277 (Oct-60) - The Underwater Olympics
- Adventure Comics 278 (Nov-60) - Aqualad Goes to School
- Adventure Comics 279 (Dec-60) - Silly Sailors of the Sea
- Adventure Comics 280 (Jan-61) - The Lost Ocean
- Showcase 30 (J/F-61) - The Creatures From Atlantis
- Adventure Comics 282 (Mar-61) - One Hour to Doom
- Showcase 31 (M/A-61) - The Sea Beasts From One Billion B.C.
- Adventure Comics 284 (May-61) - The Charge of Aquaman's Sea Soldiers
- Showcase 32 (M/J-61) - The Creature King of the Sea
- Detective Comics 293 (Jul-61) - The Sensational Sea-Scoops
- Showcase 33 (J/A-61) - Prisoners of the Aqua-Planet
- Detective Comics 294 (Aug-61) - The Fantastic Fish That Defeated Aquaman
- Detective Comics 295 (Sep-61) - The Curse of the Sea Hermit
- Detective Comics 296 (Oct-61) - The Mystery of Demon Island
- Detective Comics 297 (Nov-61) - Aqualad, Stand-In For a Star
- Detective Comics 298 (Dec-61) - The Secret Sentry of the Sea
- Detective Comics 299 (Jan-62) - Aquaman's Secret Teacher
First Series (1962)
- Aquaman v1 1 (J/F-62) - The Invasion of the Fire-Trolls
- Detective Comics 300 (Feb-62) - The Mystery of the Undersea Safari
- Aquaman v1 2 (M/A-62) - Captain Sykes' Deadly Missions
- World's Finest 125 (May-62) - Aquaman's Super Sidekick
- Aquaman v1 3 (M/J-62) - The Aquaman From Atlantis
- World's Finest 126 (Jun-62) - Aquaman's Super Sea Circus
- Aquaman v1 4 (J/A-62) - The Menace of Alien Island
- World's Finest 127 (Aug-62) - Aquaman's Finny Commandos
- World's Finest 128 (Sep-62) - The Trial of Aquaman
- Aquaman v1 5 (S/O-62) - The Haunted Sea
- World's Finest 129 (Nov-62) - The Menace of the Alien Fish
- Aquaman v1 6 (N/D-62) - Too Many Quisps
- World's Finest 130 (Dec-62) - King of the Land Beasts
- Aquaman v1 7 (J/F-63) - The Sea Beasts From Atlantis
- World's Finest 131 (Feb-63) - The Man Who Controlled Water
- World's Finest 132 (Mar-63) - The Fish In the Iron Mask
- Aquaman v1 8 (M/A-63) - The Plot To Steal the Seas
- World's Finest 133 (May-63) - Aquaman's New Partner--Aqua-Girl
- Aquaman v1 9 (M/J-63) - The Secret Mission of King Neptune
- Aquaman v1 10 (J/A-63) - The War of the Water Sprites
- World's Finest 135 (Aug-63) - The Creatures That Conquered Aquaman
- Aquaman v1 11 (S/O-63) - The Doom From Dimension Aqua
- World's Finest 137 (Nov-63) - The Day Aquaman Lost His Powers
- Aquaman v1 12 (N/D-63) - The Menace of the Land-Sea Beasts
- Aquaman v1 12 (N/D-63) - The Cosmic Gladiators
- Aquaman v1 13 (J/F-64) - Invasion of the Giant Reptiles
- World's Finest 139 (Feb-64) - The Doom Hunters
- Aquaman v1 14 (M/A-64) - Aquaman's Secret Powers
- Aquaman v1 14 (M/A-64) - The Tyrant Ruler of Atlantis
- Aquaman v1 15 (M/J-64) - Menace of the Man-Fish
- Aquaman v1 16 (J/A-64) - The Duel of the Sea Queens
- Aquaman v1 17 (S/O-64) - The Man Who Vanquished Aquaman
- Aquaman v1 18 (N/D-64) - The Wife of Aquaman
- Aquaman v1 19 (J/F-65) - Atlanteans For Sale
- Aquaman v1 20 (M/A-65) - The Sea King's Double Doom
- Aquaman v1 21 (M/J-65) - The Fearful Freak From Atlantis
- Aquaman v1 22 (J/A-65) - The Trap of the Sinister Sea Nymphs
- Aquaman v1 23 (S/O-65) - The Birth of Aquababy
- Aquaman v1 24 (N/D-65) - Aquaman, Save Our Seas
- Aquaman v1 25 (J/F-66) - The Revolt of Aquaboy
- Aquaman v1 26 (M/A-66) - From O.G.R.E. With Hate
- Aquaman v1 27 (M/J-66) - The Battle of the Rival Aquamen
- Aquaman v1 28 (J/A-66) - Hail Aquababy, New King of Atlantis
- Aquaman v1 29 (S/O-66) - Aquaman, Coward-King of the Seas
- Aquaman v1 30 (N/D-66) - The Death of Aquaman
- Aquaman v1 31 (J/F-67) - O.G.R.E. Strikes Back
- Aquaman v1 32 (M/A-67) - Tryton the Terrible
- Aquaman v1 33 (M/J-67) - Aqualad's Deep-Six Chick
- Aquaman v1 34 (J/A-67) - Aquabeast the Abominable
- Aquaman v1 35 (S/O-67) - Between Two Dooms
- Aquaman v1 36 (N/D-67) - What Seeks the Awesome Threesome?
- Aquaman v1 37 (J/F-68) - When the Sea Dies
- Aquaman v1 38 (M/A-68) - Justice Is Mine, Saith the Liquidator
- Aquaman v1 39 (M/J-68) - How To Kill a Sea King
- Aquaman v1 40 (J/A-68) - Sorcerors of the Sea
- Aquaman v1 41 (S/O-68) - The Trail of the Ring
- Aquaman v1 42 (N/D-68) - Is This My Foe?
- Aquaman v1 43 (J/F-69) - To Win Is To Lose
- Aquaman v1 44 (M/A-69) - Underworld Reward
- Aquaman v1 45 (M/J-69) - Underworld Reward: Part 2
- Aquaman v1 46 (J/A-69) - The Explanation
- Aquaman v1 47 (S/O-69) - Come the Revolution
- Aquaman v1 48 (N/D-69) - A Kingdom To Re-Build
- Aquaman v1 49 (J/F-70) - As the Seas Die
- Aquaman v1 50 (M/A-70) - Can This Be Death?
- Aquaman v1 51 (M/J-70) - The Big Pull
- Aquaman v1 52 (J/A-70) - The Traders' Trap
- Aquaman v1 53 (S/O-70) - Is California Sinking?
- Aquaman v1 54 (N/D-70) - Crime Wave
- Aquaman v1 55 (J/F-71) - Return of the Alien
- Aquaman v1 55 (J/F-71) - Computer Trap
- Aquaman v1 56 (M/A-71) - The Creature That Devoured Detroit
Interlude in Adventure Comics
- Adventure Comics 435 (S/O-74) - As the Undersea City Sleeps
- Adventure Comics 436 (N/D-74) - The King is Dead; Long Live the King
- Adventure Comics 437 (J/F-75) - A Quiet Day In Atlantis
- Adventure Comics 441 (S/O-75) - The Pirate Who Plundered Atlantis
- Adventure Comics 442 (N/D-75) - H Is For Holocaust
- Adventure Comics 443 (J/F-76) - The Dolphin Connection
- Adventure Comics 444 (M/A-76) - And Death Before Dishonour
- Adventure Comics 445 (M/J-76) - Toxxin's Raiders
- Adventure Comics 446 (J/A-76) - The Manta-Ray Means Murder
- Adventure Comics 447 (S/O-76) - Prelude to Armageddon
- Adventure Comics 448 (N/D-76) - Crown, Crisis, and Cataclysm
- Adventure Comics 449 (J/F-77) - The Menace of the Marine Marauder
- Adventure Comics 450 (M/A-77) - The Watery War of the Weather Wizard
- Adventure Comics 451 (M/J-77) - The Secret of the Sinister Abyss
- DC Special 28 (Jul-77) - A Creature of Death and Darkness
- Adventure Comics 452 (J/A-77) - Dark Destiny, Deadly Dreams
- DC Special Series 1 (Sep-77) - A King without a Sea!
First Series Continued (1977)
- Aquaman v1 57 (A/S-77) - A Life For a Life
- Aquaman v1 58 (O/N-77) - Through a Past, Darkly
- Aquaman v1 59 (D/J-78) - Prey Precious
- Aquaman v1 60 (F/M-78) - Scavenger, Ravenger, Plunderer, Thief
- Aquaman v1 61 (A/M-78) - The Armageddon Conspiracy
- Aquaman v1 62 (J/J-78) - And the Walls Came Tumbling Down
- Aquaman v1 63 (A/S-78) - My Brother's Keeper
The In-Between Years
- Adventure Comics 460 (N/D-78) - The Hunt
- Adventure Comics 461 (J/F-79) - The Hand That Feeds The Earth
- Adventure Comics 462 (M/A-79) - Executive Action
- Adventure Comics 463 (M/J-79) - Climax
- Adventure Comics 464 (J/A-79) - Invaders From Above
- Adventure Comics 465 (S/O-79) - Ice Pact
- Adventure Comics 466 (N/D-79) - Death On Ice
- World's Finest 262 (A/M-80) - Siren of the Sargasso
- World's Finest 263 (J/J-80) - Return To New Venice
- World's Finest 264 (A/S-80) - What Light Through Underwater Breaks?
- Adventure Comics 475 (Sep-80) - Scavenger Hunt
- Adventure Comics 476 (Oct-80) - The Poseidon Adventure
- Adventure Comics 477 (Nov-80) - The Outrage
- Adventure Comics 478 (Dec-80) - Grand Illusion
- Action Comics 517 (Mar-81) - Brother Rat
- Action Comics 518 (Apr-81) - Beyond the Poseidon Adventure
- Action Comics 519 (May-81) - Family Plot
- Action Comics 520 (Jun-81) - The End
- Action Comics 521 (Jul-81) - Grow, Little Growfish
- Action Comics 527 (Jan-82) - Air Wave Under the Waves
- Action Comics 528 (Feb-82) - Land-Masters of the Sea
- Action Comics 529 (Mar-82) - Death If By Land, Death If By Sea
- Action Comics 530 (Apr-82) - Home, Home On the Waves
- Action Comics 536 (Oct-82) - I Talk To the Seas, But They Don't Listen To Me
- Action Comics 537 (Nov-82) - Something Fishy
- Action Comics 538 (Dec-82) - Mera, Mera, On the Wave, Who's the One You've Got To Save?
- Action Comics 539 (Jan-83) - Help! I'm a Prisoner In My Own Body!
- Action Comics 540 (Feb-83) - Water-War One
First Mini-Series (1986)
- Aquaman m1 1 (Feb-86) - Aquaman
- Aquaman m1 2 (Mar-86) - Thierna na Oge
- Aquaman m1 3 (Apr-86) - Orm's Scheme
- Aquaman m1 4 (May-86) - Thicker Than Water
- Aquaman Special 1988 (1988) - The Missing Peace
Second Mini-Series (1989)
- Aquaman Special 1989 (1989) - The Legend of Aquaman
- Aquaman m2 1 (Jun-89) - Aquarium
- Aquaman m2 2 (Jul-89) - Still Waters
- Aquaman m2 3 (Aug-89) - Queen to King's Seven
- Aquaman m2 4 (Sep-89) - In The Tide of Battle
- Aquaman m2 5 (Oct-89) - Battle Royal
Atlantis Chronicles
- Atlantis Chronicles 1 (Mar-90)
- Atlantis Chronicles 2 (Apr-90)
- Atlantis Chronicles 3 (May-90)
- Atlantis Chronicles 4 (Jun-90)
- Atlantis Chronicles 5 (Jul-90)
- Atlantis Chronicles 6 (Aug-90)
- Atlantis Chronicles 7 (Sep-90)
Second Series (1991)
- Aquaman v2 1 (Dec-91) - A Small World Incident
- Aquaman v2 2 (Jan-92) - Both Sides of the Issue
- Aquaman v2 3 (Feb-92) - The World Around Them
- Aquaman v2 4 (Mar-92) - Tails and Legs
- Aquaman v2 5 (Apr-92) - Best Friends
- Aquaman v2 6 (May-92) - The End of a Road
- Aquaman v2 7 (Jun-92) - What Matters Most
- Aquaman v2 8 (Jul-92) - Demons in Thought & Deed
- Aquaman v2 9 (Aug-92) - Eco-Wars: Part One
- Aquaman v2 10 (Sep-92) - Eco-Wars: Part Two
- Aquaman v2 11 (Oct-92) - Chasing One's Tail
- Aquaman v2 12 (Nov-92) - Spoils of War
- Aquaman v2 13 (Dec-92) - My Hero
Aquaman: Time and Tide (Third Mini-Series)
- Aquaman: Time & Tide 1 (Dec-93) - Flash Back, Time and Tide Part 1
- Aquaman: Time & Tide 2 (Jan-94) - Fish Tales, Time and Tide Part 2
- Aquaman: Time & Tide 3 (Feb-94) - Snowball in Hell, Time and Tide Part 3
- Aquaman: Time & Tide 4 (Mar-94) - King of the Sea, Time and Tide Part 4
Third Series (1994)
- Aquaman v3 1 (Aug-94) - Hitting Bottom
- Aquaman v3 2 (Sep-94) - Single Wet Female
- Aquaman v3 0 (Oct-94) - A Crash of Symbols
- Aquaman v3 3 (Nov-94) - Arthur Goes Hawaiian
- Aquaman v3 4 (Dec-94) - A Porpoise in Life
- Aquaman v3 5 (Jan-95) - Out Cold
- Aquaman v3 6 (Feb-95) - Unfathomable
- Aquaman v3 7 (Mar-95) - Revenge Runs Deep
- Aquaman v3 8 (Apr-95) - Elemental, My Dear Aquaman
- Aquaman v3 9 (Jun-95) - Dreaded Deadline Doom
- Aquaman v3 10 (Jul-95) - Revelations
- Aquaman Ann 1 (Jul-95) - Aquaman Year One
- Aquaman v3 11 (Aug-95) - Exodus!
- Aquaman v3 12 (Sep-95) - Acts
- Aquaman v3 13 (Oct-95) - Judges
- Aquaman v3 14 (Nov-95) - Lamentations
- Aquaman v3 15 (Dec-95) - Chronicles
- Aquaman v3 16 (Jan-96) - Kings
- Aquaman v3 17 (Feb-96) - Numbers
- Aquaman v3 18 (Mar-96) - Biblical Sense
- Aquaman v3 19 (Apr-96) - Brother's Keeper
- Aquaman v3 20 (May-96) - Thy Keeper's Brother
- Aquaman v3 21 (Jun-96) - First Strike
- Aquaman Ann 2 (Sum-96) - Aquaman Legends of the Dead Earth
- Aquaman v3 22 (Jul-96) - Reunions
- Aquaman v3 23 (Aug-96) - Deep Trouble
- Aquaman v3 24 (Sep-96) - United We Fall
- Aquaman v3 25 (Oct-96) - Betwixt and Between
- Aquaman v3 26 (Nov-96) - Twilight
- Aquaman v3 27 (Dec-96) - The Rising Sun
- Aquaman v3 28 (Jan-97) - Setting Sun, Martian Manhunter guests
- Aquaman v3 29 (Feb-97) - Devil's Deep
- Aquaman v3 30 (Mar-97) - In Darkness He Waits
- Aquaman v3 31 (Apr-97) - Shark Bait
- Aquaman v3 32 (May-97) - Sea of Green
- Aquaman v3 33 (Jun-97) - Vision Quest
- Aquaman Ann 3 (Sum-97) - Tusk 'Til Dawn
- Aquaman Ann 3 (Sum-97) - The Lady In Cement
- Aquaman Ann 3 (Sum-97) - Wet City
- Aquaman v3 34 (Jul-97) - One on One
- Aquaman v3 35 (Aug-97) - Sight Unseen
- Aquaman v3 36 (Sep-97) - Homecoming
- Aquaman v3 37 (Oct-97) - One Demon Life
- Aquaman v3 38 (Nov-97) - Open For Business
- Aquaman v3 39 (Dec-97) - Bad Relations
- Aquaman v3 40 (Jan-98) - Doctor In The House
- Aquaman v3 41 (Feb-98) - Babewatch
- Aquaman v3 42 (Mar-98) - Necessary Poisons
- Aquaman v3 43 (Apr-98) - They Might Be Giants
- Aquaman v3 44 (May-98) - Depths of Perceptions
- Aquaman v3 45 (Jun-98) - Line of Succession
- Aquaman v3 46 (Jul-98) - Fish Tartarus
- Aquaman v3 47 (Aug-98) - Shadows on the Water
- Aquaman v3 48 (Sep-98) - Falls The Shadow
- Aquaman Ann 4 (Sep-98) - Dead Calm
- Aquaman v3 49 (Oct-98) - Battle Royal
- Aquaman v3 1000000 (Nov-98) - The Banks and Shoals of Time
- Aquaman v3 50 (Dec-98) - Reflections
- Aquaman Secret Files 1998 (Dec-98) - Left For Dead
- Aquaman Secret Files 1998 (Dec-98) - The Myth of Aquaman
- Aquaman v3 51 (Jan-99) - Noble Deeds
- Aquaman v3 52 (Feb-99) - Same As It Never Was
- Aquaman v3 53 (Mar-99) - Strange Visitors
- Aquaman v3 54 (Apr-99) - Landlovers
- Aquaman v3 55 (May-99) - Desperate Times
- Aquaman v3 56 (Jun-99) - Madman Across the Water
- Aquaman v3 57 (Jul-99) - Piranha-Man Bites!
- Aquaman v3 58 (Aug-99) - Watery Graves
- Aquaman v3 59 (Sep-99) - Drugs of Choice
- Aquaman Ann 5 (Sep-99) - 20000 Apes Under the Sea
- Aquaman v3 60 (Oct-99) - Marriage Vows
- Aquaman v3 61 (Nov-99) - Dead in the Water
- Aquaman v3 62 (Dec-99) - Resolutions
- Aquaman v3 63 (Jan-00) - King Arthur
- Aquaman v3 64 (Feb-00) - War
- Aquaman v3 65 (Mar-00) - The Forgotten
- Aquaman v3 66 (Apr-00) - Common Battleground
- Aquaman v3 67 (May-00) - Clash of Kings
- Aquaman v3 68 (Jun-00) - Blood Realm
- Aquaman v3 69 (Jul-00) - Glory
- Aquaman v3 70 (Aug-00) - Unification By Division
- Aquaman v3 71 (Sep-00) - To Enter the Lost World...
- Aquaman v3 72 (Oct-00) - Worlds Apart
- Aquaman v3 73 (Nov-00) - Power Game
- Aquaman v3 74 (Dec-00) - From the Core
- Aquaman v3 75 (Jan-01) - No Future
- Our Worlds At War (2001)
- The Obsidian Age (2002-2003)
- Home Again (2003)
Fourth Series (2003)
- Aquaman v4 1 (Feb-03) - Castaway
- Aquaman v4 2 (Mar-03) - To Die By The Light Of The Sea
- Aquaman v4 3 (Apr-03) - Aquamancer!
- Aquaman v4 4 (May-03) - The Sorcerer's Apprentice
- Aquaman Secret Files 2003 (May-03) - There's A Hole In the Bottom of the Sea
- Aquaman Secret Files 2003 (May-03) - The Waterbearer
- Aquaman Secret Files 2003 (May-03) - Family Ties
- Aquaman v4 5 (Jun-03) - The Thirst!
- Aquaman v4 6 (Jul-03) - Many Rivers To Cross
- Aquaman v4 7 (Aug-03) - Twilight of the Rhine
- Aquaman v4 8 (Sep-03) - Paint It Black!
- Aquaman v4 9 (Oct-03) - Once There Was A River, Now There's A Stone
- Aquaman v4 10 (Nov-03) - Moon River
- Aquaman v4 11 (Dec-03) - By The Rivers of Babylon!
- Aquaman v4 12 (Jan-04) - Bridge Over Troubled Water
- Aquaman v4 13 (Feb-04) - The Storm
- Aquaman v4 14 (Mar-04) - Story
- Aquaman v4 15 (Apr-04) - American Tidal Part 1
- Aquaman v4 16 (May-04) - American Tidal Part 2
- Aquaman v4 17 (Jun-04) - American Tidal Part 3
- Aquaman v4 18 (Jul-04) - American Tidal Part 4
- Aquaman v4 19 (Aug-04) - American Tidal Part 5
- Aquaman v4 20 (Sep-04) - American Tidal Part 6
- Aquaman v4 21 (Oct-04) - With The Fishes Part 1
- Aquaman v4 22 (Nov-04) - With The Fishes Part 2
- Aquaman v4 23 (Dec-04) - Loot
- Aquaman v4 24 (Jan-05) - Plunder
- Aquaman v4 25 (Feb-05) - Escape
- Aquaman v4 26 (Mar-05) - Retroverse One
- Aquaman v4 27 (Apr-05) - Retroverse Two
- Aquaman v4 28 (May-05) - To Serve & Protect
- Aquaman v4 29 (Jun-05) - Undertow
- Aquaman v4 30 (Jul-05) - Kiss of Death part 1: The Nine
- Aquaman v4 31 (Aug-05) - Kiss of Death part 2: The Nine
- Aquaman v4 32 (Sep-05) - The Shade of Things To Come
- Aquaman v4 33 (Oct-05) - What The Past Remembers
- Aquaman v4 34 (Nov-05) - The Quality of Mercy
- Aquaman v4 35 (Dec-05) - A Walk-On Part in the War
- Aquaman v4 36 (Jan-06) - The Failure of Success
- Aquaman v4 37 (Feb-06) - All Fall Down
- Aquaman v4 38 (Mar-06) - Kingdom Lost
- Aquaman v4 39 (Apr-06) - The End Has No End
Sword of Atlantis
- Aquaman: Sword of Atlantis 40 (May-06) - Once and Future
- Aquaman: Sword of Atlantis 41 (Jun-06) - Over His Head
- Aquaman: Sword of Atlantis 42 (Jul-06) - Deep Down
- Aquaman: Sword of Atlantis 43 (Aug-06) - Conversations With Vulko
- Aquaman: Sword of Atlantis 44 (Sep-06) - Masters
- Aquaman: Sword of Atlantis 45 (Nov-06) - Watery Grave
- Aquaman: Sword of Atlantis 46 (Dec-06) - Crown of Thorns
- Aquaman: Sword of Atlantis 47 (Jan-07) - Crown of Thorns Part Two: Coral Song
- Aquaman: Sword of Atlantis 48 (Mar-07) - Gate of Shadow Part One: Here Be Monsters
- Aquaman: Sword of Atlantis 49 (Apr-07) - Gate of Shadow Part Two: Dreams of the Fisherman
- Aquaman: Sword of Atlantis 50 (May-07) - Cold Water
- Aquaman: Sword of Atlantis 51 (Jun-07) - The Once and Future Sea King
- Aquaman: Sword of Atlantis 52 (Jul-07) - You Can't Fight City Hall!
- Aquaman: Sword of Atlantis 53 (Aug-07) - Blood in the Water
- Aquaman: Sword of Atlantis 54 (Sep-07) - Waiting for the Son
- Aquaman: Sword of Atlantis 55 (Oct-07) - Ring of Fire
- Aquaman: Sword of Atlantis 56 (Nov-07) - Hell in the Pacific!
- Aquaman: Sword of Atlantis 57 (Dec-07) - Finding Zero
- DC Infinite Halloween Special 1 (Dec-07) - Children of the Deep
Blackest Night/Brightest Day/Flashpoint
- Blackest Night (2009-2010)
- Brightest Day (2010-2011)
- Flashpoint (2011)
Fifth On-Going Series (2011)
- Aquaman (2011) 1 (Nov-11) - The Trench: Part One
- Aquaman (2011) 2 (Dec-11) - The Trench: Part Two
- Aquaman (2011) 3 (Jan-12) - The Trench: Part Three
- Aquaman (2011) 4 (Feb-12) - The Trench: Conclusion
- Aquaman (2011) 5 (Mar-12) - Lost
- Aquaman (2011) 6 (Apr-12) - Deserted
- Aquaman (2011) 7 (May-12) - The Others
- Aquaman (2011) 8 (Jun-12) - The Others: Chapter Two
- Aquaman (2011) 9 (Jul-12) - The Others: Chapter Three
- Aquaman (2011) 10 (Aug-12) - The Others: Chapter Four
- Aquaman (2011) 11 (Sep-12) - The Others: Chapter Five
- Aquaman (2011) 12 (Oct-12) - The Others: Chapter Six
- Aquaman (2011) 0 (Nov-12) - Underwater
- Aquaman (2011) 13 (Dec-12) - The Others: Conclusion
- Aquaman (2011) 14 (Jan-13) - Throne of Atlantis: Prologue
- Justice League (2011) 15 (Feb-13) - Throne of Atlantis: Chapter One
- Aquaman (2011) 15 (Feb-13) - Throne of Atlantis: Part Two
- Justice League (2011) 16 (Mar-13) - Throne of Atlantis: Chapter Three
- Aquaman (2011) 16 (Mar-13) - Throne of Atlantis: Chapter Four
- Justice League (2011) 17 (Apr-13) - Throne of Atlantis: Chapter Five
- Aquaman (2011) 17 (Apr-13) - Throne of Atlantis: Epilogue
- Aquaman (2011) 18 (May-13) - Death of a King: Chapter One
- Aquaman (2011) 19 (Jun-13) - Death of a King: Chapter Two
- Aquaman (2011) 20 (Jul-13) - The Others in Skinwalker
- Aquaman (2011) 21 (Aug-13) - Death of a King: Chapter Three: Confrontation
- Aquaman (2011) 22 (Sep-13) - Death of a King: Chapter Four
- Aquaman (2011) 23 (Oct-13) - Death of a King: Chapter Five: Dead End
- Aquaman (2011) 23.1 (Nov-13) - Sea Change
- Aquaman (2011) 23.2 (Nov-13) - New Fish
- Aquaman (2011) 24 (Dec-13) - Death of a King: Chapter Six: Secret of the Seven Seas
- Aquaman Ann 1 (2013) - A Choice of Evils
- Aquaman (2011) 25 (Jan-14) - Death of a King: Chapter Seven: Baptism of Fire
- Aquaman (2011) 26 (Feb-14) - Pressure
- Aquaman (2011) 27 (Mar-14) - Life & Death
- Aquaman (2011) 28 (Apr-14) - Triton
- Aquaman (2011) 29 (May-14) - Olympian
- Aquaman and the Others (2014) 1 (Jun-14) - Legacy of Gold: Part 1 of 5
- Aquaman (2011) 30 (Jun-14) - Fallen
- Aquaman and the Others (2014) 2 (Jul-14)
- Aquaman (2011) 31 (Jul-14)
- Aquaman and the Others (2014) 3 (Aug-14)
- Aquaman (2011) 32 (Aug-14)
- Aquaman and the Others (2014) 4 (Sep-14)
- Aquaman (2011) 33 (Sep-14)
- Aquaman (2011) 34 (Oct-14)
- Aquaman: Futures End (2014) (Nov-14)
- Aquaman (2011) 35 (Dec-14)
- Aquaman (2011) 36 (Jan-15)
- Aquaman (2011) 37 (Feb-15)
- Aquaman (2011) 38 (Mar-15)
- Aquaman (2011) 39 (Apr-15)
- Aquaman (2011) 40 (May-15)
- Convergence: Aquaman #1 (Jun-15)
- Convergence: Aquaman #2 (Jul-15)
- Aquaman (2011) 41 (Aug-15)
- Aquaman (2011) 42 (Sep-15)
- Aquaman (2011) 43 (Oct-15)
- Aquaman (2011) 44 (Nov-15)
- Aquaman (2011) 45 (Dec-15)
- Aquaman (2011) 46 (Jan-16)
- Aquaman (2011) 47 (Feb-16)
- Aquaman (2011) 48 (Mar-16)
- Aquaman (2011) 49 (Apr-16)
- Aquaman (2011) 50 (May-16)
- Aquaman (2011) 51 (Jun-16)
- Aquaman (2011) 52 (Jul-16)
Sixth On-Going Series (2016)
- Aquaman (2016) 1 (Aug-16)
- Aquaman (2016) 2 (Sep-16)
- Aquaman (2016) 3 (Oct-16)
- Aquaman (2016) 4
- Aquaman (2016) 5
- Aquaman (2016) 6
- Aquaman (2016) 7
- Aquaman (2016) 8
- Aquaman (2016) 9
- Aquaman (2016) 10
- Aquaman (2016) 11
- Aquaman (2016) 12
- Aquaman (2016) 13
- Aquaman (2016) 14
- Aquaman (2016) 15
- Aquaman (2016) 16
- Aquaman (2016) 17
- Aquaman (2016) 18
- Aquaman (2016) 19
- Aquaman (2016) 20
- Aquaman (2016) 21
- Aquaman (2016) 22
- Aquaman (2016) 23
- Aquaman (2016) 24
- Aquaman (2016) 25
- Aquaman (2016) 26
- Aquaman (2016) 27
- Aquaman (2016) 28
- Aquaman (2016) 29
- Aquaman (2016) 30
- Aquaman (2016) 31
- Aquaman (2016) 32
- Aquaman (2016) 33
- Aquaman (2016) 34
- Aquaman (2016) 35
- Aquaman (2016) 36
- Aquaman (2016) 37
- Aquaman (2016) 38
- Aquaman (2016) 39
- Aquaman (2016) 40
- Aquaman (2016) 41
- Aquaman (2016) 42
- Aquaman (2016) 43
- Aquaman (2016) 44
- Aquaman (2016) 45
- Aquaman (2016) 46
- Aquaman (2016) 47
- Aquaman (2016) 48
- Aquaman (2016) 49
- Aquaman (2016) 50
- Aquaman (2016) 51
- Aquaman (2016) 52
- Aquaman (2016) 53
- Aquaman (2016) 54
- Aquaman (2016) 55
- Aquaman (2016) 56
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- Aquaman (2016) 59
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- Aquaman (2016) 61
- Aquaman (2016) 62