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Current Status of Major Characters

  • Aquaman was a major character in Brightest Day, and one of the "White Lantern" characters returned from the dead. He will have a new series after the Flashpoint event.
  • Mera has been fighting Black Lanterns and became a Red Lantern to stop the Blackest Night from happening. She is now with Aquaman in Brightest Day.
  • Lorena (Aquagirl) was a member of the Titans, but her current activities are unknown.
  • Garth (Tempest/Aqualad) was most recently spotted as a Black Lantern and is presumed dead.
  • Joseph "Sword of Atlantis" Curry is in DC Limbo, although he is available as an agent of Atlantis.
  • Dolphin last appeared as a Black Lantern and is presumed dead.
  • Vulko last appeared as a ghost advising Joseph at the Windward Home.
  • Jackson was introduced in Brightest Day, and Aquaman has suggested sending him to the Titans for training.
  • Atlantis was ruled by Tempest after Mera refused to return to the city. Current situation is unknown.


Alternate Aquamen

  • Emperor Aquaman
  • Aquaduck (Member of Justa Lotta Animals)
  • Earth-11 Aquawoman

Supporting Characters



  • Ark - Aquaman's sea lion (sometimes seal) friend (Golden Age).
  • Sea Sleuth - A detective who sometimes helps Aquaman (Golden Age).
  • Topo - Aquaman's reliable ally.
  • Vulko - Aquaman's mentor, leader and scientist in Atlantis.
  • Tula - A friend of Aqualad who became Aquagirl and died in the Crisis.
  • Cal Durham - A former lackey of Black Manta turned ally, helped to control the situation in Sub-Diego.
  • Lorena - A woman caught in the Sub-Diego disaster, losing her entire family and all her friends, who became Aquagirl and joined the Titans.
  • Aqualad 2 - A bored young man from New Mexico whose parentage has been kept secret to protect him.
  • King Shark - A sometime enemy who hates the original Aquaman but helps out Joseph.
  • Topo 2 - An ally of Joseph.
  • Lady of the Lake - Go read your British mythology!
  • Rodunn - Atlantean warrior.


  • Black Jack - Aquaman's recurring foe during the Golden Age.
  • Ocean Master - Aquaman's half-brother. Considers Aquaman his rival, but does not have the power or smarts to back it up.
  • Black Manta - Aquaman's worst enemy, killed Aquaman's son.
  • Charybdis - A mercenary whose failures led to experiments, and to the loss of Aquaman's hand.
  • Clownfish
  • Narwhal
