Notes From Tegan

From Aquawiki
Revision as of 12:02, 9 March 2008 by Tegan (talk | contribs)
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Tegan is the boss of the page, the moderator, the system operator, the owner. These are comments on recent changes she's made, or things she's noticed, or decrees she's made.


Like any other wiki, this website has a Sandbox to play in. If you want to create a page, or use some piece of wiki code that you aren't sure will work, try creating it in the Sandbox first.

--Tegan 13:02, 9 March 2008 (PDT)

Spoiler Boxes

I've created a spoiler box template, which can be seen on the Previews page. Please do not remove it from that page. Spoiler boxes should be added to all pages for recently shipped books, and should remain on the pages for two months after the shipping date.

To add a spoiler box, type {{Spoiler}} at the top of the page.

--Tegan 12:58, 9 March 2008 (PDT)

Help Pages

I've added two help pages to assist in the formatting and creation of pages.

The Help:Gradings page explains how to grade the appearance of a character. Gradings are needed for all sightings of Aquaman characters in comic books, but not in other media unless you feel it applies.

The Help:Dates page explains the date format. All dates on the page should be converted to this format if possible. This is not a high priority, but it's best to have a standardized date format and to change it to the standard if you notice a problem.

--Tegan 9 Mar 2008 (PDT)