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Name Description 1st App in Aquaman
Cactus Gulch An inland town where Horace Nelson and Peter Reeks grew up. More Fun #100 (1944)
Caesar, Angelo A member of the International Port's Harbor Police who wants to help Aquaman and Juan Jones prove that Tim Weed is a smuggler. Adventure #160 (1951)
Cape Lee Lighthouse A lighthouse attacked by a mutant radioactive electric eel. Adventure #258 (1959)
Cape of Good Hope The southernmost cape of Africa. More Fun #86 (1942)
Captain Banks See Banks, Captain.
Cap'n Dan Billows See Billows, Dan.
Captain Braddock See Braddock, Captain.
Captain Broome See Broome, Captain.
Captain Cleary See Cleary, Matt.
Captain Cook See Cook, Captain.
Captain Craven See Craven, Captain.
Captain Cuttle See Cuttle, Captain.
Captain Daggart See Daggart, Captain.
Captain Dirk See Dirk, Captain.
Captain Dirk [2] See Dirk, Captain [2].
Captain Drake See Drake, Captain.
Captain Fleet See Fleet, Captain.
Captain Flint See Flint, Captain.
Capt Gore See Gore, Capt.
Cap'n Gregg See Gregg, Cap'n.
Capt Gorman See Gorman, Capt.
Captain Gottfried See Gottfried, Captain.
Captain Han See Han, Captain.
Captain Harris See Harris, Captain.
Captain Harte See Harte, Captain.
Captain John Hartley See Hartley, John.
Captain Hoyle See Hoyle, Captain.
Captain Jerrod See Jerrod, Captain.
Captain John See John, Captain.
Captain Zeb Jones See Jones, Zeb
Captain Kryle See Kryle, Captain.
Captain Ligh See Ligh, Ebenezer.
Captain Lowery See Lowery, Captain.
Captain Mason See Mason, Captain.
Captain Mohab See Mohab, Captain.
Captain Noah See Noah, Captain.
Captain Preston See Preston, Tom.
Captain Rogers See Rogers, Jules.
Captain Samson See Samson, Captain.
Captain Shay See Shay, Captain.
Captain Skover See Skover, Captain.
Captain Skull See Skull, Captain.
Captain Stillar See Stillar.
Captain Trawler See Trawler, Captain.
Captain Trent See Trent, Captain.
Captain Troy See Troy, Captain.
Captain Verne See Verne, Captain.
Captain Wakely See Wakely, Captain.
Captain Wilkins See Wilkins, Captain.
Captain Wood See Wood, Captain.
Captain Yegar See Yegar, Captain.
Carlos A prisoner on Convict Island who joins Adams and Graf to fight Yascom. More Fun #82 (1942)
Carson, Drew A coin collector who falls for a scheme of Black Jack's, but ends up with the rare coins thanks to Aquaman. More Fun #83 (1942)
Castaigne A spy on the S.S.Cathay who sabotages the ship on orders from Jules Rogers. Adventure #168 (1951)
Cathay The S.S.Cathay is Captain Matt Cleary's ship, vying for a contract with Orienta Express. Adventure #168 (1951)
Celeste A yacht that spots a narwhal and radios to the Coast Guard to try to determine what it is. Adventure #164 (1951)
CG-83397 A Coast Guard ship that comes to blast away the dangerous future fish created by the evolution ray. Showcase #31 (Mar 1961)
Chandler, Hide A criminal who pretended to commit suicide so he could have plastic surgery done to allow him to enjoy his stolen money. Adventure #126 (1948)
Chang The guardian of the coral sign, a signal to the guardian of a great Chinese treasure that the War was over and was safe to return the treasure to China. Adventure #103 (1946)
Chang, Lee A member of the International Port's Harbor Police who wants to help Aquaman and Juan Jones prove that Tim Weed is a smuggler. Adventure #160 (1951)
Channel Charlie A man who swam the English Channel "20 years ago" at age 40, and needed a job. Adventure #201 (1954)
Charlie Also known as Joe, a hijacker who Aquaman punches out. Adventure #217 (1955)
Charlie, Cheyenne See Cheyenne Charlie.
Chemical XZ11 A chemical that forms a hard shell, trapping an enemy when fired as a weapon. It eventually dissolves. Adventure #216 (1955)
Cheyenne Charlie A born cowboy who is forced by health issues to move to a less dry climate, and takes up herding sea life. Adventure #148 (1950)
Chief Sanders See Sanders, Chief.
Chuck Finn See Finn, Chuck.
City of Gold The ship used on an expedition to a strange world revealed by an undersea volcanic eruption. Adventure #223 (1956)
Clark, Wally The actor playing Captain Flint on a movie production Aquaman is helping with. Adventure #178 (1952)
Claude Hartwick See Hartwick, Claude.
Cleary, Matt A captain facing disaster when Captain Rogers bribes his crew to leave the ship just before an all-important journey. Adventure #168 (1951)
Coast Guard Department of Odd Questions An office of the Coast Guard that prides itself on being able to answer any question, promptly. Adventure #164 (1951)
Coburn, Doctor An oceanographer who has the bright idea to capture Aquaman for an exhibition, and using gas to control him. He paid for the idea with his life, as his co-conspirators killed him before they even got back to land. More Fun #84 (1942)
College of Marine Arts A college devoted to artwork of the ocean founded by Aquaman. Adventure #158 (1950)
Collier, Rex A millionaire who is losing his money and cooks up a scheme to earn more. Adventure #117 (1947)
Collins An underwater photographer putting on a demonstration in a diving bell at a convention for divers. Adventure #218 (1955)
Collins, Ann A wealthy heiress who is angry when Aquaman doesn't pick her as the winner in a swim contest. Adventure #187 (1953)
Commander Haskel See Haskel, Commander.
Commodore Davies See Davies, Commodore
Comstock An island country having a hot election between a corrupt incumbent and an honest man. Adventure #263 (1959)
Conroy, Dale A wealthy heiress who wanted to be Miss Aquamaid of 1960. Adventure #274 (Jul 1960)
Convict Island An island in the Pacific where convicts are sent to work out their sentences in hard labor. More Fun #82 (1942)
Cook, Captain Captain of the freighter Mary Ann, disappointed to have a girl instead of a boy. Adventure #210 (1955)
Cook, John The assistant to Professor Richards that stole the evolution ray for his own use. Showcase #31 (Mar 1961)
Cook, Lydia Daughter of Captain Cook of the freighter Mary Ann, founder of The Log. Adventure #210 (1955)
Coombs, Jed A diver rescued by Aquaman and Aqualad who wants a chest placed underwater by a wizard. He later admits that the name is an alias. His real name is never revealed. Showcase #32 (May 1961)
Corvair A smuggler's shop that sank in Northern waters, then was blocked by an iceberg. The number of masts is important. Adventure #215 (1955)
Count Vitto See Vitto, Count.
Crane, Bob Commander of the US Marine Scout Patrol that was ambushed on Kungsi Island. Was presumed killed in the initial ambush, but Aquaman saved him. More Fun #90 (1943)
Craven, Captain The captain of an oil tanker that catches fire. Adventure #222 (1956)
Curry, Arthur [1] The son of Tom Curry and Atlanna, and king of the seas. Adventure #260 (1959)
Curry, Atlanna See Atlanna (Curry).
Curry, Tom A lighthouse-keeper and ex-sailor, who found Atlanna during a hurricane, and then married her and had a son, Arthur. Adventure #260 (1959)
Curtis, Roger Jr Heir to the Curtis Traveling Circus. Adventure #241 (1957)
Curtis Traveling Circus A million-dollar circus that Roger Curtis, Jr is trying to win as his inheritance by training four dangerous fish to do an act in a tank under the big top. Adventure #241 (1957)
Cutter Z21 Coast Guard Cutter Z21 is on the trail of a killer shark, armed with depth bombs to kill it. Adventure #259 (1959)
Cuttle, Captain Pirates who have threatened Aquaman's finny friends with depth bombs. Adventure #242 (1957)
Cynron A society ship filled with lots of treasures for pirates to take, the first target of Joe Moxie. Adventure #195 (1953)