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* [[Aztek: The Ultimate Man 10]] (May-1997) - Modern Age Aquaman [[Help:Gradings#Grade_3|Grade 3]], JLA
* [[Aztek: The Ultimate Man 10]] (May-1997) - Harpoon Aquaman [[Help:Gradings#Grade_3|Grade 3]], JLA


Revision as of 17:45, 6 March 2008

Please read the Gradings Guide before adding a sighting. All sightings should have a grading. Gradings 4-6 do not require individual pages for the issues, unless you feel like creating the page. For gradings 1-3 and reprints, please at least create a link to a page for the issue.

Any Aquaman Family characters can be included in sightings, including villains. Please indicate the name (and version if applicable) of the character. Please also indicate if the character is appearing as part of a team (JLA, Titans, etc).




  • Animal Man 2 (Oct-1988) - Aquaman Grade 6, autograph seeker mistakes Animal Man for Aquaman


  • The Adventures of Bob Hope 94 (Sep-1965) - Classic Aquaman Grade 4, single panel cameo