Here's some of what is available on this site:
- Reviews of Aquaman Appearances
- Aquaman Previews
- Aquaman Cover Gallery
- Dave's Aquaman Rants - Reviews of Aquaman 9-46, the annuals, and Tempest
- Michael E. Grost's Critique Page - featuring classic Golden and Silver Age Aquaman stories
- John Wells' Untold Aquaman Tales Article
- Aquaman Sightings List
- Aquaman Sales Chart
- Else-Aquamen
- Biography Index
- Who's Who in Aquaman
- Aquaman Bio
- Aqualad/Garth/Tempest Bio
- Mera Bio
- Tula Bio
- Dolphin Bio
- Ocean Master Bio
- Black Manta Bio
- Forgotten Aquaman Villains
- Aquaman in Other Media
- Collector's Corner - The spot for all that Aquaman merchandise that doesn't fit elsewhere
- Aquaman Action Figures
- Aquaman Trading Cards
- Aquaman in Popular Music
- Aquaman: The Animated GIF Series
- Overview of the Aquaman TV Show
- Aquaman Games
- The Aquaman FAQ - Version 3.0 - In Progress
- Creative Team List (Pre 1986)
- Creative Team List (1986-1993)
- Creative Team List (1994-1998)
- Creative Team List (1998-1999)
- Creative Team List (2000-2001)
- Creative Team List (2003)
- Dan Jurgens Interview
- Links
- Aquaman is currently appearing in JLA, and will be part of DC's Infinite Crisis.
- An Aquaman pilot, from the producers of Smallville, is currently in the works.
- Aquaman was mentioned throughout the second season of the HBO series Entourage as the lead of the show is cast as Aquaman in a fictional movie version.
- The Aquaman Chronicles is a fanzine published by John Schwirian. Issue #13, featuring various articles on Aquaman arcana, is now available. Check it out!
- Aquaman writer Rick Veitch has his own website. Check out his booth at Comicon.com.
- If you feel like keeping up with former Aquaman writer Peter David, visit his website at http://www.peterdavid.net.
- Take a visit to Sunny Lee's main page and his comicbook art page. Sunny did the Aquaboy/Lagoon Man one-shot.
- Writer Ben Raab now has a website. Raab did the Aquaboy/Lagoon Man one shot.
- Former Aquaman inker Howard Shum is selling Aquaman pages from issues #3-30 of the Peter David run. Check out his page at http://www.howardshum.com/original.html or e-mail him at howard_shum@yahoo for prices and availablity.
- Former Aquaman inker and Eisner winner Eric Shanower has a book coming out from Image Comics. Age of Bronze is a fantastic retelling of the story of Troy. Ask your local shops to order it, or check out the Age of Bronze website. Also check out the Oz Story anthologies for more of Shanower's work.
- Nick Cardy Artwork is available at the Artist's Choice.
- Joe Rubinstein Artwork is available at the Artist's Choice. Rubinstein inked Aquaman in quite a few JLA issues.
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Last upload 7 Feb 2007