Aquaman #11: Good Egeland art, fair (if overly angstful) PAD story. Mildly recommended. Not shiny. $1.75/etc.
"Just Asking For It" Award to Aquaman #11, which invoked DHenry's Law ("You know you're in trouble when the *characters* complain about the plot.")
Aquaman: Is it just me, or did the manner in which Thessily was consigned to the deep seem awfully flip and disrespectful? Just backhandedly shove the coffin into the Bottomless Pit.
Anyway, with the king dead and no one willing to follow Arthur, Koryak brings the people together and takes them with him to the north, fleeing the ever-rising city. Arthur discovers something growing beneath the stone, but can't convince the people that it's important to stay and become part of the prophecy regarding rejoining the surface world. Even Dolphin leaves with the others (at first).
Meanwhile, Thessily's coffin hits the pool of inky blackness at the bottom of the pit...and something else comes out. It has fingers, so it can't be Nuliajuk. Of course, it's really
Left all alone in the throne room, Arthur starts to hallucinate about the "Happy Ending" of his coronation and generally just go more off the deep end than Thessily's coffin did. And just when it seems like he's going to go TOTALLY deranged, Dolphin returns. The two hop in bed and all's right with the world. Apparently much of Arthur's recent psychological problems stemmed from sexual frustration.
Of course, lest the readers think things may start to go well for our angst-ridden god-bugged former king...remember the hand? It's Mera's.
She's baaaaaack.... Guess death ain't as permanent for Mera's people. Either that, or this is one of the fringe benefits of marrying a guy named death.