The Atlantis Chronicles #6
Title: The War
Cover Date: August 1990
Writer: Peter David
Artist: Esteban Maroto
Colors: Eric Kachelhofer
Lettering: Gaspar
Editor: Robert Greenberger
Cover: Esteban Maroto
Cover Price: $2.95
The great Honsu decides, after seeing Atlan's proof of human life on the surface, to attack before the surface-dwellers grow strong enough to pose a threat. And attack he does. And slaughter. And destroy. Until he reaches Egypt, where the threat is the sun, and the lack of water is the downfall.
His son Haumond is left behind in the retreat, and meets a descendant of one of the original explorers from the newly sunken Atlantis. Honsu believes him to be dead, and Haumond no longer cares what Honsu thinks. Learning that the descendants from Atlantis now rule in many lands, he formulates a plan to end the death caused by his father.
Due to the "death" of his son, Honsu decides to avoid dry Egypt and tackle... Greece.
You can't help but like Haumond, who pledges to die rather than kill.
We are introduced to Shayera of the Idylists, who argues strongly against the war. The Idylists, rather than participate in war, choose to go into self-exile. As they are leaving, Atlan warns Shayera to "Beware of babes with purple eyes."
Rating: 9
Interesting story of ancient and interesting times. But wait, we're talking about Ancient Greece, here. So how could Atlan be Aquaman's father?