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The History of Atlantis

Atlantis Chronicles: Youth (3 of 7)

Atlantis Chronicles #3: Youth

The Atlantis Chronicles #3

Title: Youth
Cover Date: May 1990

Writer: Peter David
Artist: Esteban Maroto
Colors: Eric Kachelhofer
Lettering: Gaspar
Editor: Robert Greenberger
Cover: Esteban Maroto

Cover Price: $2.95


The third installment starts out with a shark hunt, described in delightful detail by both Illya, the Keeper after her brother Britton died of the black flu, and Peter David, who tells the real story to Illya's "perfect" history.

The shark hunt is for young Bazil's benefit... he plans to give a shark's teeth necklace to Cora, daughter of Orin, to prove to his father that he is trying to attract her attention, though he wants nothing to do with the scrawny and sickly girl he remembers from childhood. However, Cora has blossomed, and Bazil proves a lot more than simply trying to keep his father at bay, eventually being stabbed by a jealous Dardanus, son of Shalako.

Dardanus is exiled from Poseidonis, and takes his revenge on Cora the night before her wedding to Bazil.


The romances, lovely or sick, aren't the only events taking place in this book, though the terrible events of jealously are certainly the key to this portion of the story. We are also introduced to a deadly fish-eating cave, and the desperate need for water that the inhabitants of Atlantis are beginning to feel as their bodies change further due to Orin's serum...


Rating: 9

What more is there to say? Get the series.

Review Date: February 1996, by Laura Gjovaag