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Cover of Aquaman #8
Aquaman (2003) #8

Title: Paint It Black
Cover Title: none
Cover Date: September 2003

Writer: Rick Veitch
Penciller: Yvel Guichet
Inker: Mark Propst
Colors: Nathan Eyring
Lettering: Kurt Hathaway
Editor: Peter Tomasi
Associate Editor: Stephen Wacker
Cover: Ethan Van Sciver and JD Mettler
Note: Aquaman created by Paul Norris

Cover Price: $2.50
Release Date: 16 July 2003
Order Code: MAY03 0168


Cover Review: Wow! I really like this one. The face of the hero hidden among the fish just looks really cool. Add in the way Aquaman's hair is moving, and you get the impression that Aquaman is moving with the current, while the fish are moving against it. It's very stylish, and very cool.