Dale Roberts has contributed so much to the page that I had to put his figures on their own page! Check it out:
David Oakes uses a perfect medium to create his works. He takes a standard Lego mini-fig and turns it into a Superhero! These little delights are not always perfect, due to Lego bricks style, but always excellent collectables.
From Left to Right:
Orm (Ocean Master), Dolphin, Current Aquaman, Mera, Original Aquaman, Blue Suit Aquaman (from the Pozner Mini-series), Tempest (with purple eyes), Aqualad (with purple eyes), Tula, Neptune Perkins, Tsunami, Deep Blue, and the Fisherman.
Contact David at djoakes@sprynet.com for prices or other information. You can also check out his fast-loading website at http://home.sprynet.com/sprynet/djoakes/homepage.htm, or write to him snailmail at:
Comic Creations
David Oakes
701 Meadowwood Dr N
Brooklyn Park MN 55444
The Artist Honors Requests
For another take on LEGO Super Heroes, check out Dennis Chidley's LEGOtures. Not as physical, but easier to view.
Mick Larkins wrote to me after seeing Dale's Black Manta figure, and asked how to make it. Before I could even get back to him, he'd made his own! How did he make it?
Says Mick: "I used Epoxy putty to make the head, as well as that black pack on his back. I used tubes that come in some Lego sets for those two tubes going from his head to his pack. I used a Spider-Man figure for the base."
He doesn't sell his figures, but is willing to tell folks how he made them. If you'd like to compliment him on the figure, or ask for customizing advice, contact him at mlarkins@pace.atl.ga.us.
Other figures he's made (feel free to ask him about them) include two Star Wars figures (Biggs and Boba Fett with removable helmet).
Mick plans to enter this figure in the Home-Made Heroes contest of Wizard/Toy Fare. Wish him luck!
Vincent is a sculptor who does incredible work, as you can probably see by checking out the picture of his Aquaman model.
His work is available for purchase, e-mail Vincent at deadite@bway.net for more information, or check out his web page, soon to have a gallery of his works, at http://www.bway.net/~deadite/home.html.
A now defunct action figure customizing company made this wonderful Aquaman out of 3 3/4" GI JOE figures and various modeling pastes. It features the Aquaman look from early in the current series, with the silver harpoon and the traditional orange shirt.
If you like what you see here and want to see more, or would like to learn how to customize for yourself... be sure to check out the Custom Corner on the:
While you're at it, check out the rest of the page, the best site on the web for Toys!
Visit Fat Sal's Custom Action Figure Gallery.
Not only does he have a great page of DC heroes, he also tells you how to make your own! Be sure to check out his Aqualad figure.