This page is continually stillborn as I try to make it perfect. Enough, here's the stuff, enjoy!
DC Direct Super Friends Aquaman and Black Manta set
Release Date: 21 May 2003
Aquaman and Black Manta from the Super Friends incarnation, complete with a mini-Mantasub to play with.
DC Direct Super Friends Aquaman Maquette
Release Date: unknown
Aquaman straight from the Super Friends cartoons, standing boldly as a hero ought to...
Animated Aquaman Maquette
Release Date: 26 Mar 2003
Aquaman as seen in the new Justice League cartoon. Sculpted by John G. Mathews.
Classic Aquaman Statue
Release Date: 20 Nov 2002
A statue of the original Aquaman as he appeared in the classic Silver Age tales.
Aquaman in DC HeroClix: Hypertime
Release Date: 18 Sep 2002 and Oct 2002
The "current" Harpoon hand Aquaman will be in the DC HeroClix Premier Edition of the game, due out in October of 2002. If you can't wait that long, the DC HeroClix: Hypertime Starter Set and the DC HeroClix: Hypertime Booster Box are due out in September. Also out in the regular sets due in September will be Aquaman's arch-enemy Black Manta, in his traditional Silver Age outfit. Current news can be seen at the WizKids Games Website.
Pewter Aquaman Statue
A seriously regal looking Aquaman in pewter.
JLA Brave & the Bold Statue
The classic first JLA cover re-imagined as a statue, including our good friend Aquaman.
JLA PVC Set Aquaman
Classic Aquaman from the JLA PVC set.
DC Comics Pocket Super Heroes Aquaman & Black Manta
A great pair to start out the Pocket Super Heroes line.
Japanese Aquaman Bootleg
A strange rubber Aquaman sitting in a life preserver. Apparently this is also available in a keychain size.