Aquaman Trading Cards
Do you collect baseball cards? If you do, you may consider looking into some non-sport cards. The following is a list of all the Aquaman-related trading cards I could find. If you've got more information on any of these, let me know.
DC First Series
- #59 Ocean Master (Craig Hamilton)
- #103 has JLofA #1 cover (Mike Skowsky/Bernard Sachs)
DC Cosmic Series I (1992 SkyBox, 180 cards)
- #33 Aquaman (Ken Hooper/Tom Sutton)
- #32 Aqualad (Ken Hooper/Steve Leialoha)
- #81 Black Manta (Ken Hooper/Robert Campanella)
- #101 Ocean Master (Ken Hooper/Robert Campanella)
- #142 Crisis on Earths One and Two (Paris Cullins/Dave Cooper)
- #143 Crisis on Earths One and Two (Paris Cullins/Dave Cooper)
- #144 Crisis on Earths One and Two (Paris Cullins/Dave Cooper)
- #153 Millenium (Joe Stanton)
DC Cosmic Teams (1993 SkyBox, 150 cards)
DC Masterseries (1994 SkyBox)
- #70 Aquaman (Hector Gomez)
- #F2 Aquaman (Duncan Fegredo) Chase Card
DC Legends '95
- #6 Aquaman (Marty Egeland/Howard Shum)
- #117 Ocean Master (Kirk Jarvinen/Brad Vancata)
- #118 Aquaman (Marty Egeland/Howard Shum)
- #119 Dolphin (Marty Egeland/Howard Shum)
- #120 Aqualad (Marty Egeland/Brad Vancata)
- #H-7 Aquaman (Marty Egeland/Howard Shum) Hard-Hitters Chase Card
- #H-16 Aquaman (Marty Egeland/Howard Shum) Hard-Hitters Chase Card
- #B6 Aquaman fighting Thanatos (Marty Egeland/Howard Shum) Battlezone Chase Card
DC Firepower
- #32 Aquaman (Joe St. Pierre/John Nyberg)
- #63 Aquaman (Joe St. Pierre/John Nyberg)
- #66 Aquaman (Joe St. Pierre/John Nyberg)
Superman: Man of Steel Platinum Series
- #34 Aquaman in JLA (Joe Phillips)
- #70 Funeral for a Friend (Tom Fleming)
DC vs. Marvel (1995 Fleer/SkyBox)
- #15 Aquaman (Jim Calafiore/Mark McKenna)
- #46 Aquaman Vs. Namor (Orbik)
- Holo F/X chase card #2 (Orbik)
Amalgam (1996 Fleer/SkyBox)
- #53 The Mariner is Framed (Ken Lashley/Ron Boyd)
- #20 The Mariner (Ken Lashley/Ron Boyd)
DC Villains (1995 Fleer/SkyBox)
- #11 Black Manta (Alexander Gregory)
- #12 Ocean Master (Alexander Gregory)
- Batman/Superman Set
- Mission: Into the Depths 1-7
- Justice League Case Files: Into The Depths 1-5
- Justice League Set
- Character: Aquaman (Calafiore/Palmiotti)
- Allies from the Deep (Calafiore/Palmiotti)
- Dolphin (Calafiore/Palmiotti)
- Hook (Calafiore/Palmiotti)
- King of the Seas (Calafiore/Palmiotti)
- Line (Calafiore/Palmiotti)
- Ally: Ocean Master (Calafiore/Palmiotti)
- Tactic Double Shot: Superman/Aquaman (Zircher/Greg Adams)
- Event: Aquaman vs. Deep Six (Bittner/Eaton/Eklund)
Kingdom Come Extra (1996 Fleer/SkyBox)
- Sketchboard Card #6 Arthur and Dolphin
Compiled by Joe, Joel, Laura, and Rodrigo
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Last update 02/07/2007