This site is devoted to the DC Character Aquaman, and is meant for informational and educational purposes only. It is a personal site, not a commercial site. It is the work of Laura "Tegan" Gjovaag, who is responsible for its contents. All questions regarding this site should be addressed to her. I am not looking for a sponsor, nor do I wish to have advertisements cluttering up this site.
Please Visit the Official DC Comics Website
This website, its contents, and the code used to produce them are copyright © 2011 by Laura Gjovaag. All rights reserved. My service provider has no responsibility or jurisdiction whatsoever over this site except for the terms of our service agreement, nor do I speak for or represent my service provider in any manner.
No material from this website may be reproduced, in whole or in part, by electronic, mechanical, or other means, without permission of Laura Gjovaag, with the exception of cache files on your own machine for ease in using and enjoying this site.
Many graphics on this site are from DC Comics and DC Comics retains the full copyright and all other related rights with regards to such graphics. All attempts have been made to keep the use of copyrighted works within fair use parameters. I will not provide additional/larger graphics, so please do not ask. Any non-DC graphics are copyright © 2011 by Laura Gjovaag unless otherwise indicated.
All characters, related names and indicia are trademarks of DC Comics. "Aquaman" is TM and © DC Comics. "Aquaman" and its related properties are the property of DC Comics. All rights reserved. Any reproduction, duplication, or distribution in any form is expressly prohibited. This Website, its operator, and any content contained on this site relating to "Aquaman" and any related properties are not authorized by DC Comics.
I take website creation seriously, and I prefer making a website that many people can enjoy. I test this website using Internet Explorer, Opera, Firefox, Chrome and Lynx. If you run into any problems on this site, feel free to let me know.
Permission is granted to all web site coordinators to link their sites to mine if they choose, provided they link to my main page ( as subpages may change without notice. Do not presume that a link to this page will be reciprocated: I reserve the right to choose what sites I want to link to and will not be bullied into including a link to your site.
The best way to contact me is by leaving a comment on any post on the blog portion of this site. I moderate all comments, so I will read your comment and if you give me contact information I can respond.
An e-mail address is also available on this page, one that I check daily, but you may have to hunt a bit to find it.
Many thanks to Leah Adezio, Jerry Bails, Robert Beerbohm, John Bullough, Loki Carbis, Mike Carlin, Jarod Cates, John Coates, Nathan Chattaway, Daria, Zack DeLong, Steve De Young, Richard Duncan, Lynnae Dunham, Chris Eliopoulos, Michael Eury, Paige Gifford, Eric Gjovaag, Michael E. Grost, Andy Hamerlinck, Jeff Harvey, Wallace McBride, Scott McCullar, Lou Mougin, Ookla The Mok, Elayne Riggs, Dale J. Roberts, Joel Ruiz, Juan Santana, John Schwirian, Howard Shum, Bill Wormstedt, Rodrigo Mariath Zeidan, and everyone on the Aquaman mailing list and the Grand Comics Database mailing list for their suggestions and additions to this page. If I've left you out, please feel free to thwack me with a fish.
This page would be nothing without the contributions others have made to it. I thank them for making this page an interesting place to visit, and hopefully an informative and useful one too.
E-mail sent to the site maintainer or anyone else with a mail link from this site which solicits funds or for other commercial purposes will be subject to an acceptable use fee of up to US$500 per message, and will be reported to the sender's postmaster as UCE. I am a citizen of Washington state and will prosecute spammers to the full extent of the law.
This product is meant for educational purposes only. Not to be taken internally. Discontinue use if rash develops, or fever lasts for more than a week. Close cover before striking. Please fasten your seat belt and extinguish all smoking materials. No dolphins were harmed in the production of this website (Dolphin Safe!). List each check separately by bank number. Open other end. Shake well before using. Substantial penalty for early withdrawal. Yes it rains all the time in Seattle, you don't want to move here. Really. There are three kinds of Mathematicians: those who can count, and those who can't. Do not use if seal is broken or has changed color, or button does not pop up. Batteries not included. Caution: Flammable. The fish. May cause drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, sore throat, scratchy eyes, blurred vision, vertigo, brittle or thinning hair, ringing in the ears, heart palpitations, athlete's foot, purple polka-dot spiders to crawl out your nose, or giant grasshoppers to devour Denver -- but they're all really, really unlikely. "This is not a novel to be tossed aside lightly. It should be thrown with great force. - Dorothy Parker" (also applies to Larsen's Aquaman). Zombies rule Belgium. Do not use while operating a motor vehicle or heavy equipment. Your mileage may vary. Read to your children, as often as you can from as much as you can, even newspapers or the backs of cereal boxes; they'll thank you later. Post office will not deliver without postage. No purchase necessary. Vulko is NOT a coward, darnit! If thine enemy wrong thee, buy each of his children a drum. Disclaimer does not cover misuse, accident, lightning, tornado, hurricanes, flood, tsunami, volcanic eruption, earthquake and other Acts of God, neglect, incorrect line voltage, broken antenna or marred cabinet, missing or altered serial numbers, electromagnetic radiation from nuclear blasts, sonic boom vibrations, customer adjustments that are not covered in this list, and incidents owing to dropping the item, falling rocks, an airplane crash, ship sinking or taking on water, motor vehicle crashing, leaky roof, broken glass, mud slides, forest fire, or projectile (which can include, but not be limited to, arrows, knives, stones, bullets, shot, BB's, shrapnel, lasers, napalm, torpedoes, harpoons, or emissions of X-rays, Alpha, Beta and Gamma rays). The Seattle Mariners rule! (For you Leah: Go Mets!) Ooo wa, ooo wa, why do fools fall in love? Are you still reading this? Not affiliated with the Columbia Broadcasting System or its affiliates and subsidiaries. Beware the penguins. Pi is an irrational number. Pie is very tasty. Use only as directed. If you understand what you're doing, you're not learning anything. Do not remove this disclaimer under penalty of law. The Corps is your friend, trust the Corps. Defenestration is a great word, use it on your friends. The 2 rules to success in life: 1) Don't tell people everything you know. All reviews on this page are opinion, opinion not fact. Don't tell me I'm wrong about my own opinion, dag-nab-it! Keep hands and feet inside carriage when moving. Alcohol and Mathematics don't mix: please don't drink and derive. Use of this site with Happy Fun Ball is strongly discouraged. "Though you work with words or metal, living things or stone or glass, If you don't love what you're making, it will never come to pass." - Catherine Faber (Acts of Creation) If you are desperate to support me and this website, the best way to do it would be to go to my husband's website, visit his shop, and buy something through it. That pays for our internet service. Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball. I do not encourage people to e-mail me anymore, but if you think you have something to say, send it here and don't expect a response. Other restrictions may apply. This supersedes all previous notices. Be seeing you.
Last upload 27 Jun 2011