Aquaman (2011) 1

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Aquaman #1 (2011)
Ivan Reis, Joe Prado and Rod Reis
Title: The Trench: Part One
Cover Date: Nov 2011
Writer: Geoff Johns
Penciller: Ivan Reis
Inker: Joe Prado
Letterer: Nick J Napolitano
Colorist: Rod Reis
Cover Artist: Ivan Reis, Joe Prado and Rod Reis
Assistant Editor: Sean Mackiewicz
Editor: Patrick McCallum
AQUAMAN Created By Paul Norris
Ship Date: 29 Sep 2011
Order Code: JUL11 0191
Cover Price: $2.99
Page Count: 32 (22 story pages)
Character Appearances: Aquaman, Mera, The Trench
Reprints: Aquaman Volume 1: The Trench

Synopsis | Summary | Comments | Links

Variant cover by Ivan Reis, Joe Prado and Rod Reis

Preview Text

Aquaman has renounced the throne of Atlantis -- but the sea will not release Arthur Curry so easily. Now, from a forgotten corner of the ocean emerges... The Trench! A broken race of creatures that should not exist, an unspeakable need driving them, The Trench will be the most talked-about new characters in the DC Universe!


A strange race of beings discovers the oceans while Aquaman performs some heroics and is insulted at a restaurant, but still chooses to live on the surface rather than be king of Atlantis.


Deep under the ocean, a race of beings breaks free from a fissure in the bottom of the ocean and realizes there is something above.

On land, Aquaman hears sirens and arrives in time to stop robbers fleeing in a stolen armored car. He flips the vehicle with his trident when the robbers attempt to run him down, then watches with annoyance as one fires his weapons. A bullet grazes Aquaman's forehead and he tosses the robber firing at him into a police car. The officers ask if he needs a glass of water. Aquaman says no and leaves.

At Sam's Seafood Restaurant, people are amazed when Aquaman walks in, and even more stunned when he orders fish and chips. A blogger takes the opportunity to interview him, and finishes by asking him how it feels to be nobody's favorite hero. Aquaman leaves without eating, but pays the waitress in gold coins.

At the lighthouse on Amnesty Bay, Aquaman reflects on memories of his father before he is joined by Mera. He tells her he's made his decision, he will not return to Atlantis to become king.

Out at sea, four fishermen are goofing around when one is pulled into the water. Moments later one of the creatures from the opening pages emerges in a bubble of blood, looks at the remaining fishermen and tells its fellows there is food.


After the events in Brightest Day and Flashpoint, this new/old version of Aquaman may be just what the character needs. The flashbacks and the annoying blogger make it absolutely clear that this version of Aquaman has the same origin as the Silver Age version: his father is human and his mother Atlantean. He was raised by his father in the lighthouse. People in the DCU do not believe Atlantis exists. We're back to a classic version of Aquaman in the New 52.

The cover has an alternately colored red version.

Characters: The Trench, policemen, three robbers, Cindy (waitress at Sam's Seafood who receives large tip), Joey (waiter at Sam's Seafood), unnamed blogger, Aquaman's father in flashbacks (both at Sam's Seafood and Amnesty Bay), four fishermen on a boat called "Rock" (red hat, green hat, skipper hat, wool cap).

Locations: Boston, Sam's Seafood Restaurant, the Lighthouse at Amnesty Bay, a fissure deep under the ocean, a ship out at sea.


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