Adventure Comics 239

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Adventure Comics 238 | Adventure Comics | Series | Stories | Adventure Comics 240
Adventure Comics #239
Aquaman Splash Page from Adventure #239 by Ramona Fradon
Title: The Voyage of the Good Ship Aquaman
Cover Date: Aug 1957
Anthology: Three Stories (Superboy cover), third story
Other Stories: Superboy: "The Super-Tricks of the Dog of Steel"; Green Arrow: "The Classroom Archer"
Artist: Ramona Fradon
Editor: Whitney Ellsworth, Jack Schiff (managing editor), Mort Weisinger, George Kashdan (story editors)
Ship Date: 27 Jun 1957
Cover Price: $0.10
Page Count: 6
Character Appearances: Aquaman, Topo

Synopsis | Summary | Comments | Links


Captain Wakely builds a rescue ship which he names "Aquaman", but the ship can't seem to rescue anyone.


