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Aquaman and his fishy friend Goo-Goo Eyes discover a crooks hideout disguised as an active volcanic island.


Aquaman witnesses police call off a chase when the robbers they are chasing get close to an active volcano. When Aquaman investigates the volcano, he realizes it is fake and enters to find a magnificent robbers' lair. He is captured by the gang boss, Duke Flarer. He is rescued by his fishy friends, who also help him take out the gang and turn them over to the police.


Aquaman starts the story swimming around with a deep sea fish he calls Goo-Goo Eyes. The fish later goes for help when Aquaman is captured. I can't identify the fish type, but I'm sure I could look it up and find it in a good book about sea life. Aquaman doesn't communicate with the fish through telepathy, he simply talks to it. He thinks, when Goo-Goo goes for help, that he's being abandoned by the fish. It seems his communication with the fish is one-way.

Duke Flarer's brilliant plan for the perfect hideout is an extinct volcano that can be made to look and act active. He also has prepared for Aquaman, with a steel net. His only mistake was not taking into account Aquaman's fishy friends. Ignoring the fact that creating an active-looking volcano, isn't the whole concept of the hideout really cool? Or maybe that should be hot...

Aquaman sends out an S.O.S. in Morse Code with the volcano. That had to be a sight to see from the mainland.

There are some really nice images of Aquaman diving and fighting in this story. The art works well in this one, despite an over-use of stars to indicate pain on the part of the just-pinched bad guys.


A totally ridiculous but way cool story.

Review Date: 24 June 1999, By Laura Gjovaag