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Cover of Aquaman #14
Aquaman (2003) #14

Title: Story
Cover Title: Depth Perceptions
Cover Date: March 2004

Writer: John Ostrander
Penciller: Tom Grummett
Inker: Wade Von Grawbadger
Colors: Nathan Eyring
Lettering: Rob Leigh
Editor: Peter Tomasi
Associate Editor: Stephen Wacker
Cover: Howard Porter and Wade Von Grawbadger
Note: Aquaman created by Paul Norris

Cover Price: $2.50
Release Date: 14 January 2004
Order Code: NOV03 0219


Cover Review: Another Howard Porter cover. This one is actually very effective. Aquaman bursting out of the page at the viewer. Again, the muscles seem a tad excessive, but that's just what you get when Porter draws any hero.