Entertainment Weekly Blog Casting Call
Gary Susman at Popwatch wants your opinions on who should play Aquaman. His suggestion? Eric Christian Olsen, with Patrick Duffy as his father.
I have no opinion. All I want is a good actor delivering good lines from a good script. Get me that, and I'll be satisfied.
14 November 2005
Variety Reports On Aquaman Pilot
And now all bets are off.
According to Variety, Aquaman has been picked up as a "put pilot": A deal to produce a pilot that includes substantial penalties if the pilot is not aired; a virtual guarantee that a pilot will be picked up. In other words, the odds of Aquaman becoming a series just went WAY up.
Additionally, the Variety article has more tidbits about the pilot, including that Greg Beeman will direct the pilot, it will be set in the Florida Keys, and the Bermuda Triangle will be an active part of the stories. Also, Aquaman will never be referred to as "Aquaman" (as Smallville never refers to Clark as "Superman") and Aquaman won't be talking to fish.
For current information, check out AquamanTV.Com.
14 November 2005
More Aquaman Pilot News
It appears to be a flood...
An article that appears to either be the full Hollywood Reporter article or based on it, available here and here, has some nice more points about the Aquaman pilot, including the fact that Aquaman will be recast and shooting is tentatively scheduled to begin early next year in Florida. Miles Millar and Alfred Gough, the geniuses behind Smallville, would be the force behind the new Aquaman series. Pure Speculation: since Smallville has nearly run its course, might Aquaman replace it in the WB lineup? End Speculation.
For current information, check out AquamanTV.Com.
13 November 2005
New Aquaman Pilot
Ok, wow. Things may well start moving fast now. Hollywood Reporter is reporting that an Aquaman pilot has been approved.
For those of you with no clue how television in the US works, let's have a quick and dirty primer. This is not completely accurate, but it will give you a rough idea of how things work. At any given time, there are thousands of "projects" in the works. Rarely, a "project" will be given pilot approval, which is to say the go ahead for a pilot is given. This is where Aquaman is right now. Of shows given such approval, many, but not all, have a pilot made. Of shows that have a pilot, a few get series approval. But not all. There are a lot of orphan pilots out there.
The odds are still against an Aquaman show being made, except that it seems to be getting the fast-track treatment for some reason. I'll attempt to keep on top of the news, but I'm not an insider. For more current information, check out AquamanTV.Com.
13 November 2005
Aquaman Spin-Off?
I don't like spreading completely unfounded rumors, but this one has enough sources to accept as more than the garden variety rumor.
The ratings for Aquaman's appearance on Smallville were very good, leading to speculation that Aquaman was in the works for his own spin-off. As it turns out, the rumors are true. An Aquaman spin-off is in the works. Whether or not the spin-off will ever make it to the screen is a different question, though, as at any given time there are thousands of projects in the works.
Adding fuel to the fire is the report that the producers of Justice League Unlimited were told not to use Aquaman this season. That's standard business when a project is in the works, and does not mean that the project will ever get made.
As an added note, this project has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the storyline on Entourage, and HBO show.
12 November 2005
Aquaman on Smallville
There's a whole lot of pictures and an interview with Alan Ritchson at the Aquaman on Smallville round-up. The first trailer for the Aquaman episode was shown following tonight's (Oct 13th) Smallville. And here's just one of the many shots of Aquaman from Smallville:
13 October 2005
New Aquaman Song
If you go to Grandpa Griffith - the band, not the guy and click on the "Click here to listen to clips of the new album!" link, you should get an option to listen to their song "Aquaman" which, from what is up there, is really good. Another excellent song to add to the list. And yes, I've already pre-ordered the album. Anything to support folks writing superhero songs, right?
28 September 2005
Aquaman on Smallville
Smallville has cast an actor to play Aquaman. Alan Ritchson.
Alan is from Florida and was interested in a career in music. To further those ends, he appeared on American Idol, apparently getting to the semi-finals at least once. He had a successful modeling career, appearing in Maxim, Seventeen, and Cosmopolitan and doing campaigns for Abercrombie & Fitch, Nike, and Joe Boxer. He is now working in acting and has roles in "The Harvest" due out this fall and Robert Zemeckis' "Beowulf", due in 2007.
8 September 2005
Rumor Control
Ok... There is a TV show on HBO called Entourage. The second season of the series has the lead character, Vincent Chase, cast as Aquaman in a movie directed by James Cameron. It's FICTION. Yes, James Cameron guest stars in the show, but it is still fictional.
There is now a rumor being spread that James Cameron is interested in doing a real Aquaman movie with Mark Wahlberg, the guy behind Entourage. This rumor is based entirely on a joke Wahlberg made during an interview.
It's not going to happen folks. It's just a rumor.
15 August 2005
19 July 2005: Jim Aparo died last night. Links to more details here.
From Spencer Beck:
The Aparo Family has asked me to send this information out to all parties. It is with the deepest regret I have to inform you of the passing of the legendary Jim Aparo early Tuesday Morning, July 19, 2005. Mr. Aparo, who was 72, died from complications relating to a recent illness. All Funeral arrangements will be a private ceremony for Family and Friends of Jim.
Aparo, born in 1932, was primarily self-trained as an artist. After years of working in commercial fashion design in Connecticut, his first break in the comics field was with a comic strip called "Stern Wheeler," written by Ralph Kanna, which was published in 1963 in a Hartford, Connecticut newspaper for less than a year. In 1966, editor Dick Giordano at Charlton Comics hired him as a comic book artist, where his first assignment was a humorous character called "Miss Bikini Luv" in "Go-Go Comics." Over the next few years at Charlton, Aparo drew stories in many genres--Westerns, science fiction, romance, horror, mystery, and suspense.
Aparo was notable for being one of the relatively few artists in mainstream comics at that time to serve as penciler, inker, and letterer for all of his work. These tasks were typically divided between two or more artists.
In the late 1960s, Aparo moved on to National Publications/DC Comics, which is where he came to fame in the Comics Community. Originally starting at DC on the Aquaman title, he then moved on to also work on the Phantom Stranger and DC's horror titles.
In 1971, Aparo worked on his first Issue of Brave & The Bold. Issue 98 featured the Phantom Stranger teaming up with Batman. Beginning with Issue 102 Jim was then the regular artist on the series and provided pencils & inks on almost every issue from 102 until the end of the series with Issue 200. Jim's work on Brave and the Bold was his favorite work of his time at DC as he truly considered the series his "baby." Also during this period Jim did one of the seminal runs on The Spectre, where his realistic style made the Ghostly character truly come to life.
After the end of Brave and the Bold, Aparo was Co-creator for Batman & The Outsiders and also worked on the regular Batman and Detective Comics Series throughout the 1980s and early 1990s. most notably doing the Pencils on the "Death in The Family" storyline, which featured a phone-in vote deciding the fate of Robin II, Jason Todd.
Following a run on the regular Green Arrow Series, Aparo moved into semiretirement, contributing an occasional special or cover and doing a few private commissions before he eventually decided to move into full retirement.
He is survived by his wife Julie, his 3 children, his 4 Grandchildren and two step-grandchildren.
The Aparo family has asked that in lieu of Flowers or gifts, anyone wishing to honor Jim's legacy make a contribution to any worthy charity, as Jim believed that all charities were worth donating to.
For those wishing to send along their condolences and best wishes to the family, a P.O. Box has been set up for the family to receive cards. The address is:
P.O. BOX 28
Thanks to all who have loved Jim's work and have supported his career.
Spencer R. Beck
19 Jul 2005
- A new issue of The Aquaman Chronicles is available, featuring lots of good stuff including a color cover by George Tuska.
11 Oct 2004
- Aquaman #23 has been rescheduled by DC for an October 27th release. There is no word on whether or not this will impact later issues' shipping dates.
11 Oct 2004
- John Arcudi has been announced as the new Aquaman writer, starting with issue #25. The art team of Patrick Gleason and Christian Alamy will stay on the book, and the series will continue to be set in Sub-Diego.
Sep 2004
- Will Pfeifer is off Aquaman, no news yet on the new writer. John Ostrander will be writing Aquaman #24. Patrick Gleason will be staying on the art chores of Aquaman.
Aug 2004
- DC has officially announced a collection of the first four issues of Rick Veitch's Aquaman run, plus the Secret Files stories. AQUAMAN: THE WATER BEARER will reprint Aquaman #1-4 and stories from Aquaman Secret Files and JLA/JSA Secret Files. It will also include a sketchbook section by Yvel Guichet and a new cover by J.G. Jones. It's scheduled to be in stores on November 26, with a cover price of $12.95.
7 Aug 2003
- Issue number ten of the highly acclaimed Aquaman Chronicles is now available. Visit the Aquaman Chronicles mini-page for information on this fanzine. A former Aquaman scribe writes of this issue: "Another great issue... I bow before your dedication and rapidly developing talents." Check it out and see what all the fuss is about!
15 Aug 2003
- Aquaman fans will want to check out the Sunday August 10th Fox Trot comic. Thank you Bill Amend for a joke that isn't about talking to fish.
9 Aug 2003
- Because Patrick Gleason has been announced as the new Aquaman artist, it seems only fair to give Aquaman fans a glimpse of how he has drawn Aquaman in the past. This is from JLA: Welcome to the Working Week.
8 Aug 2003
- DC has officially announed a collection of the first four issues of Rick Veitch's Aquaman run, plus the Secret Files stories. AQUAMAN: THE WATER BEARER will reprint Aquaman #1-4 and stories from Aquaman Secret Files and JLA/JSA Secret Files. It will also include a sketchbook section by Yvel Guichet and a new cover by J.G. Jones. It's scheduled to be in stores on November 26, with a cover price of $12.95.
7 Aug 2003
- I'm getting concerned e-mails from people who read Wizard #0 and thought that the lame joke involving the cancellation of Aquaman was some sort of real news. For the record, Aquaman has NOT been cancelled. Rick Veitch is leaving the book as of issue #12, Will Pfeiffer and Patrick Gleason are due to take over with issue #15. Does that sound like a cancelled book to you? Wizard was making a joke. That's what Wizard is good at. You can safely ignore that joke (and any other joke they make about Aquaman) and keep buying the Aquaman comic book.
31 Jul 2003
- Among the previews handed out at San Diego was a preview of JLA: Liberty and Justice by Paul Dini and Alex Ross. On the cover of the San Diego version of the preview is Aquaman, as seen in the upcoming poster based on the book. The preview features six pages of artwork from the upcoming book, which will be out in November.
29 Jul 2003
- Comics Continuum reports that along with Will Pfeiffer as the new Aquaman writer, Patrick Gleason (JLA: Welcome to the Working Week) will be the new artist. Peter Tomasi, the Aquaman editor, says that Aquaman will return to wearing an orange shirt, "the way he belongs". Also reported is a new 10-inch Aquaman action figure based on Aquaman from the Justice League cartoon. It will apparently look like the Aquaman maquette, and will have three points of articulation. Aquaman will be appearing in another two-part episode of the Justice League cartoon sometime this season.
28 Jul 2003
- Perhaps the novelty has worn off, but Aquaman sales have been dipping dangerously since the start of the new series. Aquaman is still in the top 100, but the rate of the fall is discouraging. Rick Veitch's run is building to a fantastic ending, and the rumored fill-in writer between Veitch and Pfeifer is John Ostrander, so people leaving the book now will be missing out on a lot of good stuff.
17 Jul 2003
- I'm currently getting permission from the many artists who have contributed to my Aquaman sketchbook, and I've been posting the pages by those artists on my blog. To see some unique original Aquaman art, visit the sketchbook page. Work has been posted so far by Scott Alan, Matt Haley, Aaron Lopresti, and Dev Madan. More sketches will be coming soon.
17 Jul 2003
- The new Aquaman writer will be Will Pfeifer, currently known for his work on H-E-R-O.
20 Jun 2003
- ANOTHER CORRECTION TO AQUAMAN #6: Rick Veitch found yet another error in Aquaman #6 after reading it closely. This one was a rewrite by the editor. On page 12 Panel 3 of the printed book GARTH is saying:
GARTH: Come on--let's get wet! Last one in's a--
GARTH: Oh. My. God. BLEEAUGH! That's just what it tastes like down here!
The way it SHOULD read is:
GARTH: Come on--let's get wet! Last one in's a--
GARTH: Rotten Egg. BLEEAUGH! That's just what it tastes like down here!
There's more on both incidents at Rick Veitch's website (http://www.comicon.com/veitch/).
20 May 2003
- CORRECTION TO LAST PAGE OF AQUAMAN #6: When you get Aquaman #6, the last scene may not make a lot of sense. That's because a couple of lines of dialogue were accidently dropped from the page. For the full story, go to Rick Veitch's website. If you simply need to know how it should read, the final two panels on page 22 in the printed comic read like this:
AQUAMAN: KAL--I don’t mean to sound like a jerk. Hell, I wouldn’t even BE here if you all hadn’t saved my fins in the Obsidian Age.
AQUAMAN: And that’s why I know in the deepest lining of my gut...
AQUAMAN: I have to face him down alone.
The way it SHOULD read is:
AQUAMAN: KAL--I don’t mean to sound like a jerk. Hell, I wouldn’t even BE here if you all hadn’t saved my fins in the Obsidian Age.
AQUAMAN: But this guy isn’t just another nut job out to conquer the world.
AQUAMAN: The THIRST is my own EVIL TWIN. And that’s why I know in the deepest lining of my gut...
AQUAMAN: I have to face him down alone.
Please note the extra bit that explains WHY Aquaman has to face down the Thirst alone. There's more on the incident at Rick Veitch's website (http://www.comicon.com/veitch/), including a theory as to how this mistake happened.
14 May 2003
- Bob Rozakis' column at Silver Bullet had an Aquaman theme, as researcher John Wells delved into the mysteries of Untold Aquaman Tales. To see the information on Shaun McLaughlin's run of Aquaman as mentioned in the article, Click Here.
- Newsarama has an interview with Rick Veitch about his decision to leave Aquaman. Among the comments, Veitch confirms that the first five issues of his Aquaman will be collected. He also thanks a certain Aquaman fan *blush* for her help. Send thoughts on the current Aquaman to dcodcumail@aol.com.
1 May 2003
- The Pulse is reporting that Rick Veitch will leave Aquaman with issue #12. It's far too early to know who the new writer will be. Send thoughts on the current Aquaman to dcodcumail@aol.com.
28 April 2003
- Adjusted sales figures for May 2003 are up at Comic Book Resources. These are the new figures that include advance re-orders. This chart includes both Aquaman #4 and the Secret Files. A text version of all the sales charts for Aquaman is here.
23 April 2003
- Aquaman #8 is in the May/July Previews, and the cover is quite interesting. I'd rather not give spoilers for the story here on the main page, but it looks like a fun one.
22 April 2003
- Lucky Chicken Games has provided this website with nine new images of the upcoming Aquaman video game, including a couple of images that may come as a surprise to some fans.
9 April 2003
- Aquaman #5 hit comic book stores on April 9th, and features the first appearance of a new Aquaman villian.
9 April 2003
- The annual April Fools' Day joke has prompted no interest among Aquaman fans whatsoever.
1 April 2003
- Haven't had time to write a proper review yet, but the new Secret Files is out, and the first story is probably the best thing that I, as a Vulko fan, have read in years. I consider this a must have.
26 March 2003
- The ninth issue of The Aquaman Chronicles, a fanzine published by John Schwirian, is now available. This issue focuses on Aquaman in Elseworld comics. Aquaman fans love this fanzine, which has featured unpublished Aquaman art from Aquaman Volume 2 #14 (written by Peter David with art by Ken Hooper, which later became the first issue of Time and Tide by a different artist), rejected Elseworld proposals, reviews of Golden Age Aquaman stories, and a variety of articles and artwork by Aquaman fans from around the world.
28 March 2003
- Comic Book Resources is reporting that the Aquaman cartoon is still alive, despite the rumors to the contrary. Mario Piluso is the reported producer. Beyond that, no details.
25 March 2003
- If you missed the first issue of the current Aquaman series, you can now read it at DC Comics website. That's right, DC has released the first issue of Rick Veitch's Aquaman in PDF format on their website. The file is available at the Aquaman Mini-Site, just click on the link.
24 March 2003
- April/June DC Comics solicits are up at Comic Book Resources and Toonzone.net.
How about a sneak peek at the cover to Aquaman #7? But even better, how about a sneak peek at the new Aquaman action figure in the JLA line coming out later this year? Will this new look be the new look for Aquaman? I sure hope so! The Superfriends Aquaman Maquette is also being solicited in April.

18 March 2003
- DC Solicits for May 2003 are up now.
28 February 2003
- ICv2 has the pre-order numbers for Aquaman #4 and the Secret Files up. There's a definite drop. Time for fans to get copies of the book into other fans hands. Check out the Aquaman sales chart for more information.
28 February 2003
- Aquaman #3 shipped today to shops. Write to DC and ask for a collection of the first few issues of Aquaman.
12 February 2003
- The ever-cool and interesting Sequential Tart has an interview with Rick Veitch.
3 February 2003
- ICv2.com has the sales for Aquaman #3 up, and the numbers are steady from Aquaman #2. Aquaman #3 is ranked at #34 on the list, with pre-orders of about 36,000 copies. Check out the Aquaman sales chart for more information.
3 February 2003
- DC Solicits for April 2003 are up at Comic Book Resources, including Aquaman #5 with cover.
21 January 2003
- Aquaman #2 shipped today to shops. Check it out, it's even better than issue #1! Write to DC and ask for a collection of the first few issues of Aquaman.
8 January 2003
- Aquaman #1 sold out at the publisher in three days, and I'm getting lots of reports of local shops running out of the issue also. If you have the chance write to DC to thank them for the return of Aquaman.
The new Aquaman series is spinning off from JLA: The Obsidian Age. The new series is written by fan-favorite Rick Veitch and drawn by Yvel Guichet and Mark Propst. Covers by Alex Maleev.
5 January 2003
- Presale rankings for Aquaman #2 and the Aquaman Archive vol 1 are up. According to ICv2, Aquaman #2 came in at #38 in unit sales (#45 in dollar sales) and the Aquaman Archive came in at #21 in unit sales (#1 in dollar sales) of graphic novels and trades.
22 Dec 2002
- Comics Continuum had an interview with Alan Burnett, in which he discussed the new animated Aquaman project. "They're interested in his younger days, as he becomes Aquaman," Burnett said. "The show will be called Aquaman, but they're interested in developing how he became Aquaman."
Burnett also said there was some difficulty trying to do Aquaman, who is currently a character for adults, for the audience of children the cartoon will be aimed at: "And on Saturday morning they're after 6-11 year-olds because that's the advertising they have there, so they want to attract that audience. They also want to attract girls as much as they can. They want some sort of girl element so that girls can stay with a super-hero show throughout the thing."
"So, we're struggling with two different animals here. So Aquaman, in the development that we've been doing, we're trying to get them to come together - and we have. It's finally happened, where DC likes what Warner Bros. likes. But it took three or four bibles to finally get to it."
Hey, if Burnett would talk to me, I could tell him that there is something about Aquaman that has always attracted girls. Let's hope that stays true in the future.
2 Dec 2002
- Pre-sale rankings for comics coming out in December are up, and Aquaman #1 has a very high ranking of 34. Among regular DCU books, Aquaman is only behind Batman, JLA, and Green Arrow. Estimated sales in copies is about 45,000 for North America. For more rank information on Aquaman, check out the text-only Aquaman sales chart.
The best thing for Aquaman right now is if lots of those copies are bought, so please pick up an extra copy of Aquaman #1 and give it to a friend.
30 Nov 2002
- I wrote an essay called Why Aquaman? on my Blog. Feel free to check it out and learn why I'm such an Aquaman nut. -Laura
30 Nov 2002
- Wil Wheaton, better known to most people as the actor who played Wesley Crusher on Star Trek: The Next Generation, has done some voice work for the new Titans cartoon, as reported in his blog:
So here's something unexpected: I did a voice today on this new show called "Teen Titans." The call came on Friday, and here's the cool thing: the director, a wonderful woman named Andrea Romano, who has won seven emmy's called my agent and requested me, based on my work with her last year on "The Zeta Project."
I did the voice of "Aqualad," and I was told when I left today that they were so happy, I would probably be asked back to do the role again in the next thirteen episodes.
The episode I did was written by this really nice guy named Marv Wolfman, who co-created and wrote for "Teen Titans" for sixteen years, created "Blade," and was just an all-around cool guy. We spent some time geeking out about comic books today...it just killed me that he was referring to Alan Moore as "Alan."
26 Nov 2002
- Toonzone.net has February 2003 DC solicitations up, as does Comics Continuum and CBR. Aquaman #3 is due out February 12th.
20 Nov 2002
- Aquaman now has a Feature Page at DCComics.com. This is the mini-site promised in the solicitation for Aquaman #1 in Previews magazine. It includes some promotional art, an interview with Rick Veitch (by Newsarama), and links to the Aquaman #1 Preview, the Official DC Aquaman Message Board, and The Aquaman Secret File.
14 Nov 2002
- News from DC's Retailer Representative Program says that Aquaman will be getting a new JLA Action Figure, featuring the newest Veitch version of the character, late in 2003.
11 Nov 2002
- There's a great, short, interview with Ramona Fradon by Heidi MacDonald of Comicon's Pulse, with thoughts on the new Aquaman Archive featuring Ramona's work. Check it out!
7 Nov 2002
- The preview pages for AQUAMAN #1 are available in inserts in the following books:
The four page preview consists of the cover to Aquaman #1 and five story pages presented in reduced size. These pages are the same as the ones available at the DC website at the Aquaman #1 Preview.
6 Nov 2002
- Wizardworld.com has posted an interview with Rick Veitch about the new Aquaman series. Not much new information, but a good overview of what we already know. Spoiler warning! There are spoilers for the end of Obsidian Age and the new Aquaman series in this interview.
24 Oct 2002
- The Aquaman Chronicles is at it again, with issue #7 hitting mailboxes across the country right now. If you are an Aquaman fan and you aren't getting this fanzine, you are missing out. This issue features crossovers, including a lot of information about Namor, Aquaman's counterpart from the marvelous competition. Also covered in this issue is WizKids HeroClix game. Check it out!
24 Oct 2002
- Toonzone.net has posted January's DC books, including Aquaman #2 and the new Aquaman Archive. Solicits are also available at Comics Continuum in their coverage for October 22, 2002.
22 Oct 2002
- DC Comics Sneak Peeks now has a preview up for Aquaman #1. The preview consists of five pages and the cover. WARNING: This preview contains spoilers for the end of JLA: The Obsidian Age. If you can handle spoilers, go ahead and check out the Aquaman #1 Preview.
18 Oct 2002
- Toonzone.net is again reporting that Aquaman will be in his own animated series. This rumor, while also stressing that the project is still in the early developmental stages, indicates that it would be targeted for the 2004-2005 season and would feature a young Aquaman learning about his abilities.
8 Oct 2002
- Fans have been reporting on HCRealms that Aquaman will have a Limited Edition HeroClix that will be a prize at tournaments. The figure will be numbered 138 and named "Arthur Curry" instead of "Aquaman" as on the regular HeroClix. His powers and stats will also be higher. The sculpt will be the same as the regular HeroClix figure available in the main set.
8 Oct 2002
- Pulse News has also posted an interview with Rick Veitch conducted by Jennifer "Yvel's New Aquaman Look is Dreamy!" Contino. This interview and responses to it also have a handful of spoilers about the new book, and the end of JLA: Obsidian Age.
3 Oct 2002
- Pulse News has posted more pages from the new Aquaman series, including the new cover to Aquaman #1. Also included is the new costume for Aquaman. Give your thoughts on the costume by responding to the article, or at the Aquaman Message Board.
Another artist (Valentine) took a stab at the costume as presented by Yvel Guichet in the sketches, and came up with this great image.
1 Oct 2002
- Aquaman to be promoted in November 2002
From DC Comics:
Four upcoming DC Universe projects will be featured in advance preview pages in select DCU titles as part of a special advertising insert in November.
These projects - AQUAMAN, GOTHAM CENTRAL, SUPERMAN: METROPOLIS, and H-E-R-O - are already generating buzz among fans who are sure to greet these preview pages with enthusiasm. Each preview will include a cover and five story pages in full color on glossy paper and will be featured for one week during November. These eight-pages inserts will be bound into the center of all participating books.
"It's a cost-effective tool to promote four new titles with the kind of innovative advertising that continues to keep the cost of our books as low as possible," says Bob Wayne, DC's Vice President - Sales & Marketing. "I applaud our ad sales department for instigating this tool and the DC editorial group for its efforts to make it happen."
"Retailers are advised to take this promotion into consideration when they place their orders for each of these four titles," adds Wayne. "Once readers sample them, they're sure to want to pick up the debut issues."
The preview pages for AQUAMAN #1 (a December in store book by Rick Veitch, Yvel Guichet and Mark Propst) are scheduled for inserts in the following books scheduled to be in stores on November 6:
- DETECTIVE COMICS #776 ($2.75)
- DOOM PATROL #14 ($2.50)
- HAWKMAN #9 ($2.50)
- LAB RATS #8 ($2.50)
- SUPERMAN #188 ($2.25)
- YOUNG JUSTICE #51 ($2.75)
27 Sep 2002
- Newsarama has reposted an interview with Rick Veitch about the new Aquaman, and included three new preview pictures (including the cover as seen on Previews magazine below). In addition, Rick Veitch himself has posted several notes in response to the article that give away fairly large spoilers about the future of the book. If you are brave enough, follow the link to the article!
26 Sep 2002
- Aquaman and Namor share a chapter of "The Science of Superheroes" out in stores now. This book takes a close look at how science is bent to fit the story in the superhero genre.
- Aquaman makes the front cover of the Oct 2002 Previews Magazine (vol XII, #10).
This cover is reportedly also the cover to Aquaman #1, by Alex Maleev, although DC has not committed to that in order to be able to change if necessary. In addition, the same image is used as the introduction to the DC section of Previews (Direct Currents) and Aquaman is the first article in the DC section (see below). There are two pages of interior artwork shown in Previews, both without lettering.
- Aquaman gets a Previews feature article in the DC section this month:
Banished from Atlantis! Branded a traitor! Every denizen of the deep programmed to deliver him a death sentence…
It’s Aquaman as you’ve never seen him before!
The King of the Seven Seas makes his long-anticipated return to monthly comics with AQUAMAN — a new ongoing series that combines the talents of acclaimed storyteller Rick Veitch (GREYSHIRT: INDIGO SUNSET, Brat Pack), hot young penciller Yvel Guichet (JLA, BATMAN: HARLEY QUINN), inker Mark Propst, and stunning cover artist Alex Maleev (Daredevil, BATMAN: NO MAN’S LAND), to deliver an exciting new era in the life of the underwater crusader.
The aftermath of the epic JLA storyline “The Obsidian Age” has left Aquaman hated by his former subjects and exiled from the life-giving ocean he once called home. The king they called Orin is judged guilty of high treason for crimes committed during “The Obsidian Age.” His sentence: death. Left to perish on an exposed reef, Aquaman discovers — to his horror — that all the creatures of the sea are instructed to attack him without mercy, and that he must now turn to other bodies of water for sanctuary. In a mysterious freshwater lake he finds refuge and much more, as he is granted amazing new powers and a brand-new mission in life! The oceans may be off-limits, but the Lady of the Lake has presented him with his true destiny.
AQUAMAN presents a refreshing new take on this classic, fan-favorite character — delivering amazing new adventures that readers never expected to see, and surprises as only Veitch can provide!
This project is supported with a full-color poster, house and trade ads, and a minisite at www.dccomics.com.
AQUAMAN is an ongoing series edited by Dan Raspler. The 32-page issue #1 arrives in comic-book stores December 11 with a cover price of $2.50 U.S.
- It's still Aqua-maniac time at DC Direct, as yet another project will be including Aquaman and his arch-enemy Black Manta. The two will show up together in a Super Friends action figure pack, with a miniature manta-sub. In addition, Aquaman will have his own Super Friends Maquette, just in case you have any money left after the frenzy of DC Direct products.
- DC HeroClix: Hypertime, a collectible miniatures game put out by WizKids, includes Aquaman and Aquaman's arch-enemy Black Manta. Because this is a collectible game, booster packs and starters will have random figures, so you may need to acquire quite a few to get Aquaman and Manta. Check out the WizKids Games website for more information.
- AQUA-COVER ARTIST: Comics Continuum reports that Alex Maleev (Daredevil, many other books) is providing covers for DC Comics' new Aquaman series that starts in December. For some samples of his art, check out The Alex Maleev Gallery
14 Sep 2002
- RETURN OF THE KING! Aquaman is back in a new series to be written by Rick Veitch (ABC's Greyshirt, DC's Swamp Thing), with the art team of Yvel Guidet and Mark Propst (JLA #69 and #71). The story will grow out the JLA: Obsidian Age storyline, and will debut in December. Be sure to pick up JLA starting with issue #69 to see the story of how Aquaman is returning to the DC Universe. Also be sure to pick up JLA/JSA Secret Files #1 (shipping Nov 6th) to read a prelude story written by Rick Veitch about the return of Aquaman. Interesting quotes from CSN #789 about the new Aquaman:
- "(1) Hand or no hand? 'Hand... but not what you expect.'
- "(2) Original costume, recent costume, or something entirely new? 'We begin with his old look but will give him a shave and a haircut, and then a slight reworking of his duds. I want him sleeker and more modern.'
- "(3) Underwater or above-sea-level? 'Both, but the ocean is going to be a dangerous place for him. And water itself will offer new opportunities.'"
- Comics Continuum reports that an episode of the Justice League cartoon featuring the return of Aquaman is now being written. At Comicon's PULSE, an interview with Dwayne McDuffie includes several statements about Aquaman, including: "It's already out there that I'm working on a two-part episode guest-starring Aquaman. His fans should be pleased with that appearance." and "...unofficial team member Aquaman has been my nemesis this season. I had as tough a time getting the Aquaman script into shape as I've had writing anything in my whole life. I'm loath to admit that the final result ended up being worth the torture. There won't be a dry eye in the house after they see this one. That may be a pun."
22 Aug 2002
- Toonzone.net reports that a Cartoon Network writer is writing a treatment for a new animated Aquaman series, presumably based on Aquaman's appearance in the Justice League cartoon. Don't get your hopes up yet, a treatment is the very first step to a new series, and very few treatments make it to script stage, much less to your TV screen.
12 Aug 2002
- Newsarama reports that DC will put out an Aquaman archive "in the near future". Visit the Aquaman Archives Petition to send a note supporting this Archive to DC!
2 Aug 2002
- DC Direct is has gone Aqua-happy this year: The Aquaman/Black Manta Pocket Super Heroes set already came out, the Classic Silver Age Aquaman statue is due in November, and an Animated Aquaman Maquette based on the Aquaman from the Justice League cartoon will be out early next year. Visit DC Direct for more information, or go to the Pocket Super Heroes Mini-Site.
- TDK Mediactive has aquired the license for an Aquaman video game. You can see the press release, which refers to Aquaman's loyal fan base, at their website. Lucky Chicken Games, the group working on the new Aquaman video game, have sent this website some exclusive sneak peak images from the game. Check them out! Note: Large images on this page, might load very slowly on some connections. Also check out the website for the Aquaman Video Game.